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直到呯的一声倒下说拜拜。Until bang and bye bye.

爆竹嘣地一响。The firecracker went bang.

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我会为你擂鼓助威。I'll bang the drum for you.

我们听到乓的一声枪响。We heard the bang of a gun.

他的枪砰地爆响了一声。His gun went off with a bang.

所以大爆炸开启了这一切。So the Big Bang starts it all.

我们听到轰的一声炮响。We heard the bang of a cannon.

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她砰地一声关上了窗户。She closesthe window with a bang.

帮别人就是帮自己。Bang Bieren is to help themselves.

那个响声,重击金属棒发出的声音。The loud noise, the bar, the bang.

我们该让他上床睡觉的-嘭!We should let him go to bed. Bang !

邦邦,我也曾冲你开枪。Bang bang, I used to shoot you down.

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她听到门咣地一声关上了。She heard the door shut with a bang.

不要胡乱使用吸尘器。Don't bang your vacuum cleaner about.

这门砰当砰当地响了一晚上。The door continued to bang all night.

炮仗砰地一声点响了。The firecracker went Off with a bang.

我没料到又遇见她。I didn't expect to bang into her again.

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为业界榜亦有一项杀手。An idolized bang for the industry killer.

棒棰岛牌酱油。Bang Chui Dao Brand Worcestershire Sauce.

轰的一声,敌人的碉堡给炸飞了。The enemy pillbox was blown up with a bang.