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这些变量是可避免的。These variables are avoidable.

这毫无道理——而这些是完全可以避免的。That makes no sense – and it’s completely avoidable.

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预防可避免的盲症和视力损害Prevention of avoidable blindness and visual impairment

毫无疑问,第三次世界大战是可以避免的,但是,在可预见的将来地区冲突消失是非常不可能的。There's little doubt that a third World War is avoidable

项目成本的百分之几是来自不可避免的重做?What percentage of your project cost arises from avoidable rework?

但是他们的确犯了一个能够避免的错误,这个错误直接引导他们过于乐观。But they did make one avoidable mistake that led directly to their overoptimism.

但是欧洲却认为此类违约事件是可避免的,对此罗格夫丝毫不信。Yet Europe thinks these kinds of defaults are avoidable and Rogoff isn't buying it.

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如果注射器得到了安全处置,这些感染中有许多都是可以避免的。Many of these infections were avoidable if the syringes had been disposed of safely.

因为那些本可避免的医院诱发感染,我在过去一年已经失去了三个老朋友。I have lost three acquaintances to avoidable hospital-induced infection in the past year.

提高了医院药剂科各部门的工作效率,避免差错的发生。The working efficiency of each section in drug was improved and the mistakes were avoidable.

日本政府明知问题存在,却没有采取措施制止这场本可避免的公共卫生悲剧的发生。The government was aware of the issue and failed to stop this avoidable public health crisis.

这些可以避免的伤害也使许多国家本已吃紧的卫生保健系统超负荷运转。These avoidable injuries also overload already stretched health-care systems in many countries.

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让人感到悲哀的是,整个金融崩溃本来是可预见的,不仅可预见而且可避免。What is so sad about this whole debacle is that it was predictable. Predicatable and avoidable.

消费社会的出现是晚期资本主义社会的必然延伸。The emergence of consumption-oriented society is an avoidable extension of the later capitalism.

卫生大会还决心加强行动,实现预防可避免盲症的目标。The WHA also resolved to intensify action in order to achieve the aim of preventing avoidable blindness.

通过实施对印旅游禁令,直到印度采取措施解决这种人祸,这才唯一的解决之道。By placing a travel ban to india until something is done about this avoidable debacle is the only answer.

去年Schneider案的审判长称此案为“受贪婪驱使的可避免的悲剧”。The presiding judge in the Schneider case last year called the case “an avoidable tragedy motivated by greed”.

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尽管酒吧恶战在电影里看起来很是那么一回事,在现实生活中,却会令人后悔不迭,而这其实完全可以避免。While bar fights always look cool in movies, they are frequently regretted and totally avoidable in real life.

尼日利亚现任总统乔纳森呼吁结束“不必要和可以避免发生的”选后暴力。Nigeria's current president, Jonathan called for an end "unnecessary and avoidable case of" post-election violence.

事先了解生产流程及生产设备的负载情况,可避免问题的产生。Understanding production technique and load of equipments beforehand, the abovementioned problem will be avoidable.