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我可以痛快的买个地方住。I could buy a place outright.

直接交易可能是抵补保值。Outright deal can be a hedge.

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你是个彻底的功利主义者嘛。You're an outright utilitarian.

古兰经则彻底批判利息,他们说,利息貌似是生意,但上帝许你做生意不许你收利息。The Koran damns interest outright

但是阿姆斯特朗却完全否认此种说法。But Armstrong dismissed the idea outright.

不过赤裸裸的赖账不还的可能性也不能完全排除。But outright default cannot be entirely ruled out.

一开始他还只是漠不关心,后来竟变得冷嘲热讽起来。He swung from mere indifference to outright scorn.

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烤苹果在晚上,因饥饿而医生彻底。Roast apple at night, starves the doctor outright.

人们嘲笑他或是避着他。People laughed at him or just avoided him outright.

它们是文明的基石,但并非都是上天赐予的礼品。They undergird civilization. But they aren’t gifts outright.

买方接收所有主题权利和完全的所有权。Buyer is to receive all theme rights and outright ownerships.

该协议忽视了很多东西,所以可能引起人们的强烈反对。The agreement neglects enough to tempt an outright rejection.

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目前还没有其他国家完全禁止吸烟和烟草。No other country so far has banned smoking and tobacco outright.

您当前的哪些项目最有可能失败?Which of your current projects are most likely to fail outright?

RIM并未出面彻底否定其提供过此类接入。RIM does not appear to have denied outright providing such access.

实际上,不——因为这是虚构的,是彻彻底底的宣传。Actually, no—because it’s fiction, in service of outright propaganda.

议会中的共和党领导试图彻底废除该法案。Republican leaders in Congress are trying to repeal the law outright.

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换句话说就是他们当场买下他们存货清单中的一些东西。In other words, they buy some of their inventory outright from people.

第二计划是,如果政权支持的一方未获全胜。Plan B is if the regime-backed party does not win an outright victory.

直言敢谏是他从政品行的主要特点。To state outright and dare to remonstrate were his conduct of politics.