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可消除无机和有机污染物、有毒物。Can dispel inorganic and organic pollutants, as well as toxicant.

但是将等离子体技术用于降解废水中有机有毒物质的研究才刚刚起步。But it recently start that plasma induced degradation of organic toxicant of wastewater.

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毒性紫茎泽兰经预处理并沼气发酵后,能制成饲料。Toxicant eupatorium adenophorum spreng can be used as a feedstuff after methane fermented.

同样的瓶子,你为什么要装毒药呢?同样的心理,你为什么要充满着烦恼呢?Why do you fill the same bottle with toxicant?why are you worried with the same psychology?

疲劳是细胞内化学变化衍生导致的一种中毒现象。Weary is one kind of toxicant phenomenon which in the cell the chemical change derivation causes.

结论毒鼠强诱导体内细胞DNA损伤可能是毒鼠强毒性作用机制之一。Conclusion It is assumed that DNA damages of cells might be one of the toxicant mechanism of tetramine.

目的研究亚硒酸钠和氯化镉在联合作用时的不同染毒方式。Objective To investigate the different toxicant exposures in combined action of selenium and cadmium in vivo.

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通过正交试验法,对苦杏仁脱苦去毒的最佳工艺条件进行了选择。The optimal technologic conditions for removing bitterness and toxicant of bitter almond have been chosen by orthogonal test.

氯化镉可引起鲫鱼淋巴细胞DNA损伤,鲫鱼淋巴细胞DNA损伤可望成为一个较好的水环境基因毒剂指标。Cadmium chloride could induce DNA damage in lymphocytes of Carassius auratus which might be a better gene toxicant index in water.

因引起狗,猫的急性肾衰竭而导致的宠物食品大召回起初主要聚焦在疑似有毒物三聚氰胺上。The major pet food recall associated with acute renal failure in dogs and cats focused initially on melamine as the suspect toxicant.

中药质量除了自身的有效成分、有毒成分、含量明确且稳定可控外,中药中残留农药和重金属对中药质量的影响也不可忽视。The quality of Chinese herbs was not only including the effective constituent, toxicant and content but also the heavy metals and pesticide residue.

包括毒物的分离、浓缩、样品分级,仪器分析,毒性追踪,相关性等技术。The techniques include toxicant separation, toxicant concentration, sample fractionation, instrumental analyses, toxicity tracking, correlation ect.

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当营养输入与毒素输入均为周期变化且有共同周期时讨论了种群的周期共存性。When both the nutrient and toxicant inputs are periodic functions with the same period, the periodic coexistence of populations has been investigated.

就孕期或哺乳期母代锌缺乏对子代脑的发育及功能影响作了概括,并探讨了其可能的毒性机制。The influence of Zinc deficient mothers in pregnant or breast-feed period to the descendants and the toxicant mechanism are summarized in this article.

工程建成投产后应设立职工防疫检测点,应定期对毒物进行检测。After the project is completed and turned into operation an epidemic inspection point shall be established to carry out toxicant examination periodically.

该系统对光、温、水流等物理因素有较高的控制水平,是环境毒物管理上颇为有效的技术手段。Several physical element, such as light, temperature and flow could be controlled accurately, and is an effective technical measure for toxicant management.

焦化废水由于含有大量的难生物降解与有毒物质,因而成为公认难处理工业废水之一。Because coke sewage contains lots of hard-biodegraded and toxicant substances, it is considered one of the industrial waste water which is difficult to purify.

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由于焦化废水中含有大量的难生物降解以及一些有毒还对微生物有害的物质,而且其可生化性差,因而焦化废水成为公认难处理工业废水之一。Because coke sewage contains lots of hard-biodegraded and toxicant substances, It is considered to be one of the most difficult industrial wastewater to purify.

对固体废物有毒有害物质进行处理或处置的方法有掩埋法、焚烧法及高温热解、溶剂洗涤等方法。The methods for treatment of toxicant and poisonous substances in solid waste products contain burying, incinerating, high-temperature pyrolysis and solvent washing.

本文对质谱技术进行了简要的介绍,并就此技术在食品中有毒有害物质的分析方面的应用进行了综述。The paper introduces the basic principle, constitutes and classify of Mass spectrograph, and mainly reviews the application of food analysis in injurant and toxicant.