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另一个原因是昆土兰州Another major factor is the state of Queensland.

昆士兰州,一群绵羊在牧场上吃草。A herd of sheep grazes in a pasture in Queensland.

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我叔叔当时正在昆士兰大学学习航空学。My uncle was studying aeronautics at Queensland University.

其他两个省长-一般人一样,她出生在昆士兰州。Two other governors-general were, like her, born in Queensland.

昆士兰洪灾给钢铁价格打了一针强心剂。The Queensland floods are giving a shot in the arm to steel prices.

昆士兰队进攻,丹尼·赫伯特将球传给蒂姆·霍兰,霍兰持球触地得分。Queensland attack, Danny Herbert passes to Tim Horan who scores a try.

昆士兰国民托管组织命名它为昆士兰州的象征。The Queensland National Trust has named it a state icon of Queensland.

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这是昆士兰大学药学院的网站。This is the website for School of Pharmacy, The University of Queensland.

昆士兰生产的原糖绕过中间商直接供应给深加工提炼厂。Queensland sugar is sold directly to refineries, not through trade houses.

他的遗体已经运返位于昆士兰东南小镇比尔瓦的老家。His body was returned home to Beerwah, a hamlet in southeastern Queensland.

我是在昆士兰州的一个农场上长大的,中国似乎离我非常的遥远。I had grown up on a farm in rural Queensland where China seemed very remote.

在东北部澳大利亚昆士兰州国营农场发现它的骨骼。Its bones were found on a farm in north-eastern Australia's Queensland state.

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本人在昆士兰州的一个村落小镇长年夜,那边的人们老是有话直说。I grew up in a Queensland country town where people spoke their minds bluntly.

沈比利1886年在昆士兰出生,父亲是中国人,母亲是英国人。Sing was born in 1886 in Queensland to a Chinese father and an English mother.

昆士兰旅游局的这一成功概念催生了不少类似的梦幻美差。The success of the Tourism Queensland idea inspired several similar dream jobs.

“普拉斯提克”今年3月于旧金山启程,现已接近昆士兰海岸。The “Plastiki” left from San Francisco in March and is now close to Queensland.

菲利普斯希望能获得参加昆士兰州网球锦标赛的“百搭”式队员资格。Phillips is hoping for a wild card entry to the queensland tennis championships.

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北昆士兰州的白狐猴负鼠消失在人们的视线里已经有3年了。The white lemuroid possum of northern Queensland hasn't been seen in three years

他于澳洲昆士兰艺术学院取得传播设计学位。Arron graduated from Queensland College of Art with a BA in Communication Design.

在临时居留签证期限内,我必须居住在昆士兰州。I must reside in the State of Queensland during the period of my provisional visa.