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象似性与任意性是辩证统一的。Therefore arbitrariness and iconicity are dialectically unified.

从事句法象似性研究最为著名的是海曼。The most distinguished scholar studying syntactic iconicity is John Haiman.

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语言中的拟象象似性主要反映在句法象似性上。Diagrammatic iconicity in language is mainly reflected in syntactic iconicity.

象似性是当代认知语言学研究的一项重要课题。Iconicity is an important program in the study of modern cognitive linguistics.

语言符号具有映象象似性和拟象象似性。Iconicity of language signs falls into imagic iconicity and diagrammatic iconicity.

第二章介绍了象似性的局限以及认知理据。The second chapter introduces the constraints of iconicity and cognitive motivation.

采取快速语义判断任务探讨物体空间关系对语义相关判断的影响。The research examined the role of spatial iconicity in semantic relatedness judgment.

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变异修辞的功能可见于它的声韵功能、象似功能和美学功能。The functions of deviated rhetoric can be found in onomatopoeia, iconicity and aesthetics.

汉语的临摹在句法、语义和语用三个方面都体现出时间顺序原则和整体部分原则。Chinese iconicity embodies time-order rule and whole-part rule in syntax, semantic and pragmatics.

象似性则主要涉及语法形式和语义结构之间的可论证性。Iconicity mainly concerns the corresponding relationship between syntactic form and semantic function.

句法象似性为英汉句法结构差异研究提供了一个新视角。Syntactic iconicity provides a new perspective for the study of English and Chinese syntactic differences.

拟声词是现代汉语词类中比较特殊的一类,它摹拟人或自然界的声音,和这些声音具有一定的象似性。Onomatopoeia, a special kind of modern Chinese words, imitate sounds of nature or human with proximity iconicity.

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本文中主要使用的认知理论有象似性理论以及非范畴化理论。The theoretical framework in this thesis mainly concerns Iconicity theory and Linguistic Decategorization theory.

我国殷、周时代的文字在其形体构造上一般都具有十分鲜明的历史文化的具象性。Generally speaking, the oracle bone scripture has a very clear historical and cultural iconicity in its structure.

在第四章中,作者以语言系统中大量的实例论证并支持了美学象似性的存在及其特性。The fourth chapter provides evidences in detail to support the existence of Aesthetic Iconicity in languages systems.

译者在译原诗时要使用象似形式体现象似性。When translating the source poem, the translator employs the iconic forms to render the iconicity of the source poem.

因此,翻译不仅仅是语言符号之间的转换,同时也要受篇章象似性的制约。So translation is not only the transformation of different language signs, but also is restrained by textual iconicity.

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在不受语境制约的“里层句”中,语块顺序取决于对时间序列的“摹象性”。In the underlying sentence without pragmatic constraints, the chunk order depends on the iconicity to temporal sequence.

因此,顺序象似性和句末信息焦点原则共同作用,影响着双重谓语的句式结构。Therefore, iconicity of order and information focus work together to affect the syntactic structure of double predicate.

从语篇层面可以揭示象似性在视觉诗语篇街接与连贯中的重要作用。This paper mainly discusses iconicity on textual level and exposes its function in concrete poetry cohesion and coherence.