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唠叨少了,耳根清净了。No endless nagging.

湖看起来无止尽。The lake seems endless.

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这个争论无休无止。The debates are endless.

漫无尽头的公路。It's a long endless road.

可以望到远处无际的天空。Endless sky comes into my eye.

一曲弦音,苍凉辽远。A string sounds, bleak endless.

结婚匆匆,后悔无穷。Marry in hasty, repent endless.

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有些人生而此夜绵绵无尽期。Some are born to Endless Night.

烈日当头,沙海无边。Scorching sun, endless sand sea.

令我觉得回味无穷。It led me to endless aftertastes.

战败的名单无穷尽。The list of failures was endless.

我行走在一望无际的秋野上。I was walking on an endless field.

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我看见无尽的航线。I saw above me that endless skyway.

月夜是我永无止境的泪水。The moon night is my endless tears.

我会带着无尽的爱,在路的那头与你重逢。Endless love, see you down the road.

似乎这一夜永远也过不完。It seems that this night is endless.

等候了很多小时,似乎无尽无休。The hours of waiting seemed endless.

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但愿我和你,是一只唱不完的歌。I hope you and I are an endless song.

当然,这是一场永无止境的军备竞赛。Of course, it's an endless arms race.

我们的每一边,都是无尽的压力。On all sides of us, endless pressure.