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接着在岔路口向右转。Then veer right at the fork in the road.

大海的暴风雨似乎避着你而转向The ocean storm seems to veer away from you

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释放星期五,“韦埃尔”是萨尔曼的宠物项目。Releasing Friday, "Veer" is Salman's pet project.

在1月22日释放,“韦埃尔”是萨尔曼的宠物项目。Releasing on Jan 22, "Veer" is Salman's pet project.

他还刷过谈论“韦埃尔”作为一个像史诗“Gadar”。He also brushes off talk of "Veer" being an epic like "Gadar".

各条道路都会突然消失在隧道中,或沿立交桥改变方向。Roads disappear suddenly into tunnels or veer off along overpasses.

有时,一不小心,这些文件几乎就成了黑色或红色笑话书。Attimes, the files veer perilously close to black, or perhaps red, comedy.

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这次讲话基本上取决于它的目的,这使它改变方向成两根杆中的任一根。This discourse largely depends on its aims, which make it veer to either pole.

因此官方版本的历史往往倾向于回避真相,而非直面历史。So official versions of history tend to veer away from the truth, not towards it.

享用这些昂贵食物那一刻的激动,也许会让某些人唤起激情。The thrill of eating something expensive may veer for some people into the sexual.

分道线可以很容易的帮助你辨别自己向哪边偏。The lane ropes will quickly make it apparent in which direction you naturally veer.

我倾向于有一点改变方向远离车行道和下车的边缘以远。I tended to veer slightly away from the edge of the roadway and the drop-off beyond.

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抛弃旧路是可怕的,因为那是我们的舒适区。It is frightening to veer off the well-worn path , better known as our " comfort zone".

我们沿着克拉克街朝北走,我们拐进了克拉克街的酒廊买了一瓶酒,又出来了。I veer into Clark Street Liquors for a bottle of wine. Back on the street Clareis puzzled.

尊重她们的观点和底线,不要做完最后决定后又临时改变决定。Respect their views and boundaries and do not veer off regardless of their final decision.

阿尼尔承认,他从来都不想萨勒曼最喜爱的作曲家塞吉德,瓦基德做音乐“韦埃尔”。Anil admits he never wanted Salman's favourite composers Sajid-Wajid to do the music of "Veer".

在其旅行过程中的每一年,该探测器都要比上一年多偏离预定轨道8000英里。In every year of travel, the probes veer 8000 miles further away from their intended trajectory.

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世纪西方哲学与美学发生了一次重大的转向,那就是语言论的转向。In 20th century, the west philosophy and aesthetics had an important veer, which is language veer.

那个开车的要么踩刹车要么撞到卡车,或者转向路外面的泥地。The other driver would have to either brake, crash into the truck, or veer right into the open field.

对话是沙尔曼汗显然首先去了他的朋友桑杰里拉班萨里直接“韦埃尔”。Talk is that Salman Khan had apparently first gone to his friend Sanjay Leela Bhansali to direct "Veer".