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我有一个叔叔,他是犹太教教士。One of my uncles is a rabbi.

他是拉比霍尔茨伯格的朋友。Rabbi Holtzberg was his friend.

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我们的法师是在西班牙授职的。Our rabbi was ordained in Spain.

世界上第一位女性拉比The first women rabbi in the world.

这位拉比连续做了三晚上的梦。The Rabbi dreams three straight nights.

拉比的手突然挥向奥齐的面颊。Rabbi Binder's hand flicked out at Ozzie's cheek.

素喜禅师和德禅法师交往密切。Buddhist monk Suxi and rabbi Dechan in Shaolin temple.

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教士伸手到口袋中掏车票。The rabbi reached into his coat pocket for his ticket.

也没有巫婆和法师的邪恶势力。There's no improbity force from witch and rabbi either.

一个月前,波提克和家人被噪音吵醒。A month ago, Rabbi Boteach and his family awoke to noise.

今晚主持停电晚会的是罗比崔比阿尼。And officiating at tonight's blackout, is Rabbi Tribbiani.

当她的拉比来看她时,她已经消瘦下去了。By the time her rabbi came to visit her, she was emaciated.

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那么感谢你,Rick,Roth祭司和Hazelrigg牧师。So I want to thank you, Rick, Rabbi Roth and Rev. Hazelrigg.

只有一枚婚戒,还是教士带来的。There was only one wedding ring, which the rabbi had brought along.

遇难者包括一名以色列裔美国犹太教士和他的妻子。The casualties included a young Israeli-American rabbi and his wife.

纳撒尼尔回答他说,拉比,你是神的儿子。Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi , thou art the Son of God.

在这位拉比看来“更好”的,在他的教众看来并非一定“更好”。What is "better" to the Rabbi is not necessarily "better" to his disciple.

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当格林伯格拉比在夏里之后讲话,他已经做好了准备让大家转换一下情绪。And so, when Rabbi Greenberg followed Shari, he was ready to change the mood.

“太糟糕了,”拉比说,“如果是酒汁腌制的,她嫁出去的机会还大一点。”"Too bad, " the Rabbi said. "If it was Maatjes, she'd have a better chance. "

我明白了他的意思,我把他抱了起来,拉比正在说着祈祷词。I lifted him up as the rabbi said prayers, and we watched the train snaking by.