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雷蒙娜走了进来。Ramona entered the room.

“因为,”瑞摩娜说。"Because, " said Ramona.

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那就是她给我的礼物。That was the gift that Ramona gave me.

那是拉蒙娜送给我的礼物。That was the gift that Ramona gave me.

她站着不动看了一会儿瑞摩娜。She stood still for a moment looking at Ramona.

然后,雷蒙娜说,“如果你想触碰它,我握着你的手来帮你。”Then Ramona said, "I'll hold your hand while you touch it.

瑞摩娜远远地靠在床的一边睡觉,她的右半个屁股露出床缘了。Ramona was sleeping far over on one side of the bed, her right buttock off the edge.

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雷蒙娜会把你喂得饱饱的,给你酒喝,替你脱掉鞋子,奉承你,平息你的怒气。Ramona will feed you, give you wine, remove your shoes, flatter you, smooth down your hackles.

又或者,也许正是她这些真心真意的搞怪行为帮助家里找到了解决问题的出路。Maybe Ramona should just run away too, or, maybe her heartfelt antics are just what her family needs in order to find the right path.

从摆摊卖柠檬水到洗车服务,再到为商业广告试镜,雷蒙娜想方设法地赚钱以解父母之忧。From lemonades stands to car washes to auditioning for a commercial, Ramona tries everything she can think of to earn the cash her parents need.

雷蒙娜曾经为我取过血样,所以她知道我怕针头,她体贴地将医疗器具藏在一本杂志之下,杂志的封面是一幅改建厨房的浅蓝色图案。Ramona had taken my blood before. She knew about my fear of needles, and she kindly hid the paraphernalia under a magazine with a bright blue picture of a kitchen being remodeled.

雷蒙娜探讨了墨西哥不同的烹饪传统,通过刺激你的味蕾与当地生产和香料创造真实的区域食谱现代解释天国的使用。Ramona explores Mexico's varied culinary traditions by stimulating your taste buds with the heavenly use of local produce and spices to create modern interpretations of authentic regional recipes.