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时间是不可复制的奢侈。Time is the irreproducible luxury.

如此一来,哈伯关于宇宙膨胀的重要发现将无法重现。As a result, Hubble's crucial discovery of the expanding universe will become irreproducible.

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你要学会区分一份缺陷报告是一般的还是高质量的。If tester is not reporting bug correctly, programmer will most likely reject this bug stating as irreproducible.

因PGM中使用大量的天然无机物,可有效地节约不可再生的石油资源。As great amount of natural inorganic substances used in PGM, it can therefore save effectively irreproducible petroleum resources.

这层“外被”非常重要,因为在高电压状态下,这层“外被”可以质子化,从而产生不可复制的迁移变化。This coating is important because the capillary wall can become charged at high voltages, producing irreproducible migration shifts.

我们的脑子如何让每个人的行为表现在某些时候十分相似,却又让每个人都能独一无二的存在?How can our brains make us all behave so similarly at times and yet endow each of us with such a unique and irreproducible existence?

土地资源的不可再生性和有限性对交通运输的发展具有很强的约束性。The future development will encounter some strong restrictions, owing to the irreproducible and limited characteristics of land resource.

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我们已经知道传统的毒物学化验和模型可能对纳米材料产生相互冲突而且常常不能重复的结果。We already know that traditional toxicological assays and models can produce conflicting and often irreproducible results for nanomaterials.

尽管茹日的画以照片为基础,这些新生的画总是带有手绘的无法复制的特色。Though Csiszér's paintings are based on photos, the new-born painting always bares the characteristics of the hand-made, irreproducible picture.

例如,若蛋白在用到膜上之前就发生沉淀,那么整个试剂系统就高度不稳定且几乎完全不可再生,可用来吸附到膜上的溶解蛋白的量就因此急剧下降。If the protein precipitates before it can be applied to the membrane, for instance, the entire system will become highly unstable and almost totally irreproducible.

几十年来,对于物理学家来说,他们经常会发布基于计算的结果,但是从本质上看,这些计算本身是无法再现的。For several decades, it has been common for physical scientists to publish results based on computations—but those computations themselves were essentially irreproducible.

我们有充分的理由认为,中国民间体育是中华多元文化的生动体现,更是中华民族不可再生的非物质文化遗产。Chinese folk games are not only the vivid demonstration of the diversity of Chinese culture, but also the irreproducible intangible cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.

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人们头部和脸部大约5公里长的血管所具有的复杂性保证了每个人的血管分布是不可再现的,因此也就是独一无二的。The complexity and vastness of the layout of about 5 kilometers of blood vessels in the head and face assures that each person's vascular arrangement is irreproducible and hence unique.

今天在这里展出的不仅仅是范蠡的传奇生涯,而且是一笔不可再生的非物质文化遗产。The exhibitions here not only demonstrate the legendary career of Fan Li, but also provide irreproducible non-material cultural relics. The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom.