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Towser的声音带着倦意颤抖着。Towser's voice wavered sleepily.

我们爱抚着,昏睡着,你的手caressing and dozing, your hand sleepily

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“我想和你做一个交易”,我困倦地说道。I'll make you a deal, " I said sleepily."

朦胧中我们以为是远远的雷响。We sleepily thought it was the distant thunder.

她笑了,睡意朦胧地喝了热巧克力。She smiled and sleepily drank her cup of chocolate.

“我有个好主意,”穆拉迷迷糊糊的回答。I have a better idea, " the Mulla replied sleepily."

她笑了,睡意朦胧地喝了半杯巧克力。She smiled and sleepily drank half her cup of chocolate.

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许多孩子在周一就把头放桌书本上睡着了。Most boys usually nod sleepily over their books on blue Mondays.

暗色羽毛的巨鸟在这两者之间困倦。The sombre-feathered great bird sleepily merciless between them.

为什么我想睡睡不着,不睡又感觉很累呀?。Why I sleep to be not worn sleepily , do not sleep to feel very tired again?

喝完最后一滴牛奶,它呼噜呼噜着,瞌睡朦胧地走进木箱。When he had finished the last drop, he grunted and walked sleepily into the box.

最后,我的航班终于分配了一个登机口,我疲倦地赶到那里。Finally, I saw that my flight was assigned a gate, and I sleepily stumbled there.

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你在做什么?“我两眼惺松地问。她把一片抹布塞到我手中。"What are you doing?" I asked sleepily , as she shoved a dust-cloth into my hand.

轻迪感冒药吃了有想睡觉的副作用吗?Light enlighten did patulin eat to there is the side effect that becomes aware sleepily?

他困倦地望着银白和灰暗的雪花在街灯映照下纷然倒坠。He watched sleepily the flakes, silver and dark, falling obliquely against the lamplight.

我走到床边瞥了一眼,看到�边有一块毯子,像是正等著孩子在其中安睡似的。I walked over to it, and took a peek.There was a blanket there, waiting for a child to sleepily hug it.

我的孩子13岁多了,每天上午有腹泻,老是想睡是什么原因?My child 13 years old many, there is diarrhoea in the morning everyday, what reason be often sleepily ?

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我走到床边瞥了一眼,看到里边有一块毯子,像是正等着孩子在其中安睡似的。I walked over to it, and took a peek. There was a blanket there, waiting for a child to sleepily hug it.

我睡眼惺忪地环顾着我们家小木屋的那个安着屏风的门廊。在这里,我们度过了数周的夏日时光。Sleepily , I look around the screened-in porch of our family's log cabin, where we spend our summer weeks.

晚上,我们搭起了帐蓬,烤着牛排,围着篝火懒散地躺着,睡眼朦胧地凝望着满天繁星。That evening we pitched tents, broiled steaks and sprawled around the campfire, staring sleepily at the stars.