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但是,这不能代表所有保加利亚人的想法。But not in step with all of Bulgaria.

保加利亚目前有16架米格29战机。Bulgaria currently has 16 MiG-29 interceptors.

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普列文保加利亚北部一城市,位于索菲亚东北。A city of northern Bulgaria northeast of Sofia.

他的兄弟阿森也曾在保加利亚踢球。His brother, Asen, also used to play in Bulgaria.

我第一次到保加利亚的时候得了重感冒。His brother, Asen, also used to play in Bulgaria.

保加利亚是欧洲东南部的一个共和国。Bulgaria is a republic in the southeast of Europe.

0-0战平保加利亚使得英格兰获得了一个8强席位。A 0-0 draw against Bulgaria earned a place in the last eight.

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首先,必须指出,保加利亚本身是那么一种肮脏的地方。First, it must be said that Bulgaria itself is kind of a dirty place.

理查德·阿米蒂奇对保加利亚和罗马尼亚提供的协助表示赞扬。Richard Armitage praised the efforts of Bulgaria and Romania to help.

保加利亚由色雷斯,摩西亚以及马其顿帝国这三个区域构成。Bulgaria is comprised of the regions of Thrace, Moesia, and Macedonia.

保加利亚瓦尔纳市是让许多男人的梦想变成现实的地方。Varna in Bulgaria is to enable many men dream into a reality of the place.

保加利亚放弃了在贝勒尼新建一座核电站的计划。Bulgaria has abandoned plans to build a new nuclear power station at Belene.

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在英格兰对保加利亚和威尔士的欧锦赛外围赛中,卡罗莉都进去了国家队名单。Carroll was named in the England squad for the games against Bulgaria and Wales.

源自保加利亚的红玫瑰纯露,让您沉醉在对爱的遐想中。Purified rose essence imported from. Bulgaria leaves you the imagination of love.

该所是保加利亚植物生理学与生物化学领域最主要的研究中心之一。It is a leading research centrum of plant physiology and biochemistry in Bulgaria.

罗马尼亚和塞尔维亚及保加利亚的边界大部分是多瑙河。A large part of Romania"s borders with Serbia and Bulgaria is formed by the Danube.

他在保加利亚国家队的表现更好,56次上场进了33个球。His strike-rate of 33 goals in 56 appearances for Bulgaria is even more impressive.

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2优先组的车手可以使用54条轮胎,这要比在保加利亚的时候多了14条。Priority 1 and 2 drivers can use a total of 54 tyres, which is 14 more than in Bulgaria.

罗马尼亚和保加利亚两国于2007年1月1日正式加入欧盟。Romania and Bulgaria , two countries in January 1, 2007 accession to the European Union.

在一战期间和二战后期,保加利亚都是处于战败方。During World War I and later World War II, Bulgaria found itself fighting on the losing side.