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她没有讲话不清。She didn't slur.

在北京这样的诋毁是不允许的。Flemming is enraged by this slur.

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小心点,别弄脏了你的衬衣。Be careful. Don't slur your shirt.

弗莱明为这种侮辱所激怒。Flemming is enraged by th is slur.

在北京这样的诋毁是不允许的。No such slur is permitted in Beijing.

她竟敢对他的人品加以诋毁。She had dared to cast a slur on his character.

有时你又把单词开头的辅音和双元音含糊掉。And then you slur by dropping initial letters and diphthongs.

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连音符号是为了告诉演唱者前后两个音符是要连贯唱出的。The slur is to tell the singer to sing the two notes coherently.

这是对伦敦市警察局刚正廉明作风的又一次诽谤。This is yet another slur on the integrity of the Metropolitan Police.

一句伤害人的话,能将人心刺破,一句智慧良言,却能唤醒人心。A slur thrusts into people's heart, while wise words can awaken people.

连音符号是为了告诉演唱者前后两个音符是要连贯唱出的。In modern notation it would be marked with horizontal dashes under a slur.

不过我们又看见这些字也被白涂料盖上了,上面又写了反政府口号。Then we saw that message white-washed and written over with an anti-regime slur.

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当案件主管闻言大笑时,斯蒂芬尼克说他是种族歧视,主管挂断了电话。When the case manager laughed, Stefanik uttered a racial slur and the employee hung up.

在打稿和印刷中,用来检查网点增大,拖影,重影等情况。It is used in proofing and printing to check the condition of dot gain, slur and double.

你们说的全是搞笑的废话,种族主义大粪。Guys your totally out of topic. all you know is to banter about some nonsense, racist slur.

我们开始觉得飘飘然,而韩老板说话也有些口吃,“我先出去一躺办点事,”他说。We grow tipsy and Boss Han also starts to slur. "I have to go get something done, " he says.

长期以来,两宋以前福建的早期文化格局一直模糊不清。The situation of culture is all long slur in Fujian before the Southern Song and the Northern Song.

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据闻此经理使用了同性恋诬蔑词汇,并告知青年她拥有不会得到工作。It's alleged the manager used a gay slur andthen informed the teenager that she'd never be given a job.

上周三美国电影学会已经公布了这个消息,就在奥斯卡制作人布雷特·拉特纳因反同性恋的言论而被迫下台后的一天后。Just the day before, Oscars producer Brett Ratner stepped down amidst backlash after using an anti-gay slur.

如果前一个小时病人还能回答问题,但下一个小时说话含糊,这表示情况有变。If they answer one hour but the next they slur their speech, this often indicates a change in their condition.