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她在十八岁时外出担任家庭教师。When she was eighteen, she went out as a governess.

她的责任和任务决定了我们刚刚遇到的SOA治理女士的责任和任务。Her responsibilities and tasks determine those of her little sister, Mrs. S. Governess we met before.

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在她的小说简单的行为,聘用教师提出了一个幽灵谋杀,伪装,和通奸。In her novel the simple act of hiring a governess raises the spectres of murder, disguise, and adultery.

小说的成功在亍它在英国小说史上第一次成功的塑造出了家庭教师的女主人公形象。The success of the novel is also due to its introduction to the English novel the first governess heroine.

因此,治理女士扮演的是某种超级管理者的角色,她只在乎组织本身。Therefore Mrs. Governess represents some kind of super-management, being devoted only to the organization itself.

1835年她成为该校教师,但几年后她又决定改做私人家庭女教师。She worked as a teacher at the school in 1835 but decided after several years to become a private governess instead.

费伦茨和巴斯利又生了2个孩子,分别叫凯瑟琳和保罗,由他们的祖母照料。Ferenc and Bathory had two more children named Katherine and Paul , whom was cared for by their grandmother, the Governess.

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傲慢与偏见,对女人,一般的唯一途径是她结婚除了独身或教师。In Pride and Prejudice, for a woman, generally the only way to her is to get married besides being spinsterhood or governess.

本研究旨在综合运用质的研究方法与量的研究方法探讨儿童福利院保育员的胜任特征体系。The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the competencies of nursery governess in child welfare institutions in our country.

安德鲁斯在剧中饰演修女玛莉娅,她离开了奥地利的修道院,到一位海军上校家给他的七个孩子当家庭教师。In the film, Andrews plays nun Maria who leaves an Austrian convent to take up a job of a governess to a Navy captain and his seven kids.

这时我们遇到了“SOA治理”女士,她负责保证关于服务的一切事物都正常运转。In the midst of this situation we find "Mrs. S. Governess", who is responsible for ensuring that everything concerning services runs smoothly.

噢,记得那天傍晚我正呆在家里,而我的孩子们因为到处乱摸,将手纹弄到了那张才刚刚擦干净的桌子上,被家庭教师骂了半天。I was at my home one evening and my children's governess was scolding them for leaving their finger marks on the newly oiled table, in my dining room.

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尽管治理女士得到了所有人的尊重,但她有时候会非常严厉,甚至不给项目经理和资深架构师的面子。Although well respected throughout the enterprise, Mrs S. Governess can be pretty strict sometimes, overruling even project managers or experienced architects.

事实上,玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特在她写散文、儿童故事、小说,并开展妇女教育工作以前曾做过不到一年的家庭教师。Mary Wollstonecraft, in fact, was a governess for less than a year before she turned to writing essays, children's stories, a novel and works on the education of women.

我怎么可能喜欢富贵人家一个讨厌家庭教师的娇惯的宠儿,而不喜欢象朋友一样对待她的孤苦无依的小孤儿呢?How could I possibly prefer the spoilt pet of a wealthy family, who would hate her governess as a nuisance, to a lonely little orphan, who leans towards her as a friend?

我母亲的姐姐,赛比尔,无偿的为我的新家庭做着管家兼家教的工作。My mother's elder sister, Sybil, whom a cousin of my father's had married and then neglected, served in my immediate family as a kind of unpaid governess and housekeeper.

我怎么会不疼爱一个把家庭教师当作知心朋友的孤苦伶仃的孤儿,而去喜欢富贵人家一个讨厌家庭教师的娇生惯养的宠儿呢?How could I possibly prefer the spoilt pet of a wealthy family, and she would hate her governess as a nuisance, to a lonely little orphan, who leans towards her as a friend?

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她不参与日常业务也不关心技术细节,但她将会制订战略,分配任务和全程监管项目。Our governess will not be involved in day-to-day business- or technical details, but she will setup strategies, define responsibilities and constantly monitor the initiative.

读者和一些评论家都对书中的故事感到震惊,在书中一个年轻、普通的女家庭教师爱上了她傲慢的雇主,却不知道他有一个疯妻子被关在阁楼里。Readers and some critics were scandalised by the story of a young, plain governess who falls in love with her Byronic employer, unaware that he already has a mad wife incarcerated in the attic.

这些课程是她从她的女家庭教师或女校那里学来的,因此,这种使女性教育的贫乏不断延续的做法激起了布兰登的几个写作话题。Lessons came from what she had learned from her own governess or at a school for girls, thereby perpetuating an impoverishment of female education that roused the ire of several of Brandon's subjects.