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或者是盗贼两个出血一个剔骨就死了。Or a Rogue in 2 Hemos and an Eviscerate.

我们同意去除所提议案的本质部分。We agreed to eviscerate the proposed bill.

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留着你的冷血剔骨做为最后一击。Save your cold blood eviscerate as a finisher.

拆肉剔骨,将肉切成条。Eviscerate demolition meat, cut into the meat section.

你想要切猪的喉咙并给它剔骨吗?Would you want to cut a pig's throat and eviscerate him?

民主党人说这次请愿将会重创州政府。Democrats say the petition will eviscerate state government.

被仇恨煞红了眼的刀锋恨不能将萨瘸子剔骨剥皮。By hatred meshach red eye blade hate cannot be lame eviscerate skinning pizza.

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绞喉,割裂和剔骨伤害增加,我们会逐步放出更详细的资料。Garrote rupture and eviscerate are being increased in damage. more details to come.

绞喉、割裂和开膛破肚案在不断增加,更多细节稍后公布。Garrote, Rupture, and Eviscerate are being increased in damage. More details to come.

企业巨头与其他公司合作,同时努力剔骨他们。Corporate giants cooperate with other companies while simultaneously trying to eviscerate them.

这样的报纸公司获得了成长。它们发现了新的收入来源,新的方法减少成本,而不会挖去核心产品。They found new streams of revenue and ways to reduce costs that didn't eviscerate their core products.

践踏与漠视正义战争的区别原则和比例原则也会使行为丧失合法性。Brutality and indifference to just-war principles of discrimination and proportionality can also eviscerate legitimacy.

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我们都学会了如何把死鸡搁进滚烫的水,拔毛并且清出五脏六腑。之后的很多天我们就吃这些鸡肉。We all learned how to dip the corpses in scalding water, pluck and eviscerate them, and we all ate chicken for many days afterward.

一些人坚持认为限制宪法第一修正案对宗教活动自由的保护无异于对宪法的破坏。Some people assert, correctly, that to limit First Amendment protections to those activities we like is to eviscerate the Constitution.

维斯可女士担心,在管理型医疗保健制度下,残疾人可能无法得到他们所需专家的帮助。她声称,加利福利亚州的薪资削减法案会使她的客户们得到应有帮助的几率大大降低。Ms Vescovo, who argues that California's payment cuts would eviscerate her clients' access to services, worries that under managed care the disabled might not be able to see the specialists they need.