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这些物种不能杂交。These species do not interbreed.

狼和狗能够异种交配而且繁育后代。Wolves and dogs can interbreed and produce offspring.

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有些人迁移而发现另一个种族并开始混血。Some migrated finding one another and began to interbreed.

还可能会发生更为有趣的现象,那便是两种物种之间会发生异种交配。Most intriguing of all is the possibility that the twospecies might interbreed.

刚头种群和虹鳟种群可以杂交,实际上也发生不同水平的杂交。Steelhead populations and rainbow trout populations can and do interbreed at different levels.

精灵和兽人则完全不可能婚配,而有趣的是他们却都可以和人类交配。Elves and orcs cannot interbreed , which is interesting since both races can breed with humanity.

它使科学家转移基因不会混种本质上的区别种类之间。It enables scientists to transfer genes between different species that would not interbreed in nature.

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它使科学家之间的转移基因的不同物种,不会杂交的性质。It enables scientists to transfer genes between different species that would not interbreed in nature.

两种小鼠可能在分布范围的交界处交配,那麽要如何称呼杂交种呢?Two species of mice might interbreed where their ranges overlapped, raising the question of what name to give to the hybrids.

狗、狼、土狼和豺狼都具有相同数量的染色体,并且能够相互间交配从而产生可以存活的后代。Dogs, wolves, coyotes and jackals all have the same number of chromosomes and can still interbreed and produce viable offspring.

如果这种特质中包含了繁殖,这个过程中将存在这样一种副效应--使新产生的变异亚种群之间不再交配。If this trait is also involved in reproduction, this process can have a side effect of causing the divergent subpopulations to no longer interbreed.

随着人类在原鸡栖息——南亚地区生活和交流的日益频繁,他们带来的家鸡和原鸡发生了交配,致使野生基因组混入了家鸡的基因。As humans push farther into the wild bird’s South Asian habitat, the chickens they bring with them interbreed with jungle fowl, polluting their genomes.

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有12个Anu人来自昴宿星,作为奴隶之神,他们彼此继续通婚以保持其在地球物理层的统治。There were 12 Anu that came from the Pleiades that continued to interbreed to retain their dominion in the physical upon Earth as "Gods" over the slaves.

由于这些鱼类的血缘非常相近,彼此可在实验室内杂交,遗传学家可定出与三刺鱼腹鳍缩小有关的基因。Because the fish are so closely related and interbreed in the laboratory, geneticists can map the genes involved in the reduction of the stickleback pelvis.

来自亚洲大陆和印尼西部的人却都没有,这说明他们是与丹尼索瓦人没有血缘关系的另一支独立的移民队伍。People from mainland Asia and west Indonesia didn't have any, suggesting they descend from a separate migration that did not interbreed with the Denisovans.

另一个后果是农作物会和相关的物种杂交并繁衍出超级杂草,这些杂草破坏了本地物种的生态环境,使得农民们感到苦恼。Another threat is that the crops might interbreed with related species and create a super-weed that bedevils farmers and crowds out native species in the wild.

如果智人与其他古人类物种的杂交能使他们的后代生命力更加强悍,智人与尼人的区别该如何解释?If humans and other hominid species could interbreed and their offspring were fertile, what does that mean for the distinction between humans and Neanderthals?

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相较于哥斯达黎加黄白两种蛱蝶“河水不犯井水”,厄瓜多尔的蛱蝶这种不同的交配倾向最终会导致进化出两种不同的物种。The difference in mate preference could eventually lead to two distinct species, as in Costa Rica, with yellow and white butterflies that no longer interbreed.

因为远东地区没有原生的野猫可以和初来乍到的家猫互相混血,所以东方的家猫很快就开始沿著自己的道路演化。Because no native wildcats with which the newcomers could interbreed lived in the Far East, the Oriental domestic cats soon began evolving along their own trajectory.

被改造过的生物体和自然生物体混配,从而更具竞争力,使原有物种走向灭绝,或给环境带来未知的影响Modified organisms may interbreed with natural organisms and out-compete them, leading to extinction of the original organism or to other unpredictable environmental effects.