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但还不能肯定马肉是否会卷土重来。No word yet on whether horsemeat will make a comeback.

这里不长庄稼,所以村民们以驯鹿肉和马肉为食。Nothing grows there so people eat reindeer meat and horsemeat.

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在西部蒙古,他们还会在早餐中加入马肉。In western Mongolia they add variety to their diets with horsemeat.

三家法国慈善团体表示将把含有马肉的数千份冷冻食品发放出去。Three French charities say they're prepared to hand out thousands of frozen dinners that contain horsemeat.

做完了,我想起人家说“马肉全席”,是指全是马肉,那我们做的,全是人参,就叫“人参全席”吧!Done, I think they said, "Horsemeat popular, " Horsemeat is all that we do, is ginseng, called "popular people"!

据称,该公司从位于塞浦路斯的一个中间人那里购买马肉,贴上牛肉的标签出售。It's claimed that the company bought the horsemeat from a Cyprus-based middleman, relabelled it as beef and then sold it on.

德国一位部长称,那些误为标为牛肉的含马肉食品仍可食用。German government minister has suggested that food products containing horsemeat but wrongly labeled as beef could still be eaten.

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快餐连锁店汉堡王也停止使用银冠厂提供的产品,虽然其销售的汉堡中未发现马肉。Burger King also stopped using Silvercrest's products, although there was no horsemeat found in burgers sold by the fast food chain.

早些时候,法国一家公司被控将700多吨马肉当做牛肉出售,目前这家公司的执照已被法国当局暂停。Earlier a company in France accused of selling more than 700 tonnes of horsemeat as beef had its licence suspended by the French authorities.

欧洲目前的马肉丑闻仍在继续,各个国家都检测出有被标为牛肉的马肉食品。Mr. Niebel was responding to a continuing scandal in Europe with tests in one country after another detecting horsemeat in products labeled as beef.

与会布鲁塞尔的欧盟部长们同意采取系列措施,来处理日益严重的马肉当牛肉卖的丑闻。European Union ministers meeting in Brussels have agreed a series of steps to deal with the growing scandal surrounding horsemeat being passed off as beef.

进一步的调查发现,冷冻包装牛肉千层面、意大利番茄牛肉面以及肉丸中均含有马肉。经追查这些马肉来自欧洲的几家屠宰场。Further investigations revealed horsemeat was also in frozen packaged beef lasagna and spaghetti bolognese as well as meatballs. The meat has been traced to European abattoirs.

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英国警方逮捕三名与蔓延欧洲许多国家的马肉丑闻有关联的三名男子,他们是在两家肉食工厂因诈骗嫌疑被捕的。Police in Britain have arrested three men in connection with the horsemeat scandal engulfing many European countries. The men were detained at two meat plants on suspicion of fraud.

在欧洲其他地区,荷兰食品安全官员对100多家屠宰场和食品加工厂进行了突击检查,查看有无“挂牛头卖马肉”的情况。Elsewhere in Europe food safety officials in the Netherlands have carried out raids of more than 100 slaughterhouses and processing plants to see if horsemeat is being passed off as beef.