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他们款待一屋子的客人。They entertained a houseful of guests.

上周末我们家来了一屋子客人。We had a houseful of guests last weekend.

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我们有一屋子的客人。I think you delivered a houseful of preteens.

和其他年轻人一样,凯特有一屋子CD。Like other young people, Kate has a houseful of CDs.

我想这是因为跟满屋子兄弟一起长大的缘故。I guess it comes from growing up with a houseful of brothers.

屋外晚风徐徐、海浪声声、星光点点,屋内烛光摇曳、浪漫满屋。Outside breeze slowly, wave sound, stars, lit the candlelight, romantic houseful.

不过,我为不能实现满屋子的孩子的愿望,仍感到悲哀。Nevertheless, I had to grieve that Id never have the houseful of children Id always wanted.

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有时候盘子是连同满屋的家俱一起买进来的,没有单算价钱。Dishes come in with a houseful of furniture, and I don't even figure them in when I give a price.

然而我想,即便是最吝啬的守财奴也很难枕著这满屋的财富安然入眠。I thought that even the stingiest miser couldn't sleep peacefully with this houseful of "wealth".

藤制的靠椅配上藤制的茶几,满屋的舒适休闲。Cany relies on chair to deserve to go up cany tea table, of houseful comfortable and recreational.

满屋打的老公那叫落花流水,看的我这个美!The husband of houseful dozen that call fallen petal flowing water, see of I this the United States!

奥巴马在芝加哥的家里跟夫人、女儿以及一屋子的客人一起过节。Mr. Obama spent the holiday at his home in Chicago with his wife, daughters and a houseful of guests.

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为了照顾好你的宝宝,书籍和网络会告诉你需要一屋子的新物品。Books and web sits will tell you that you need a whole houseful of new items in order to care for your baby.

和其他年轻人一样,凯特有一屋子CD。选择用说唱乐来传播科学,她说,主要还是因为其押韵帮助记忆,歌词丰富能装下更多的内容。Like other young people, Kate has a houseful of CDs. Because rap's rhythm makes it easier to remember its lyrics, Kate came.

奢华满地、金粉满屋,淡淡流露的,是那生活的平和态度、人生的极致历练。Costly houseful of pink of full ground, gold, light reveal, be that life is gentle the acme all previous of manner, life is experienced.

你宁愿娶那个只会唯唯诺诺,会养一窝像她那样说话拐弯抹角的坏孩子的傻女人!You'd rather live with that silly little fool who can't open her mouth except to say "yes", "no", and raise a houseful of mealy-mouthed brats just like her!

他们在维吉尼亚北部工作和生活,很可能与世隔绝,否则无法解释一屋子的孩子,邻居却毫无察觉。So living and working in Northern Virginia. It's most likely in isolation. I mean there's no way to explain a houseful of kids at the neighborhood block party.

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因此,沃特斯帮助开发康帝的故事,它告诉真实故事,一个女孩的父母死于艾滋病,让她照顾满屋的孤儿。As a result Watters helped develop Kande's Story, which tells the true story of a girl whose parents die of AIDS, leaving her to care for a houseful of orphans.

洞房花烛夜,送走了闹洞房的亲朋好友,满屋的喜庆气氛里增添了一丝暧昧。Bridal chamber spends candle night, sent the close friends that is troubled by bridal chamber, one is added to have an affair with in the festive atmosphere of houseful.

一般公寓不配抽油沿机,所以大冬天炒菜得把窗户开得大大的,要不满屋子都是油烟味。What's more, there's no grease pump in the kitchen, so even on cold winter days, one has to keep the window of the kitchen open when cooking to avoid a houseful of soot.