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这次对话是中国式做戏的一个典范。It was, instead, an example of Chinese stagecraft.

华盛顿演得成功,是因为其内核是可信的。Washington’s stagecraft worked because it came from an authentic core.

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在当今电影独立发展的顶峰时期,加入戏剧舞台的表现成分,不失为一种全新的尝试。Nowadays, at the peak time of film development, we make stagecraft and film as one.

明宫廷杂剧有三个总体特征,即程式性、舞台性和宫廷化。Ming dynasty palace zaju stressed set routines, stagecraft and adaptation to the palace environment.

文章试图用一种后现代的“对话”理论,将戏剧舞台的表现方式融入到电影的艺术表现力中。Under the theory of "communication" of the post-modernism, we are trying to blend film and stagecraft.

舞台艺术的课程主要是探讨舞台景片搭建中使用的特殊技术和材料。This section of Stagecraft is designed to explore the special techniques and materials used in scenic construction.

同时注意舞台艺术之对称及平衡,值得观众细细品味。In the meantime, it stresses on the symmetry and balance of stagecraft that is worthy of viewer's careful appreciation.

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实践、理论、舞台积淀,是衡量传统戏曲对中国话剧舞台艺术产生影响的三个方面。Practice, theory, and accumulation of performance are three aspects to measure the influences of traditional Chinese opera on Chinese modern drama stagecraft.

武术舞台剧是指以武术元素为主体内容,其他艺术形式相辅的具有完整故事情节的综合舞台艺术。The martial arts living theater is refers to take the martial arts element as the main body content, other artistic form auxiliary has the complete plot comprehensive stagecraft.

这些舞台艺术变革与创新是中国戏曲传统的扬弃,更是在外国戏剧文化影响下发生发展的。These changes and innovations of stagecraft are a development and rejection of Chinese opera traditions. It is more a development under the influence of foreign dramatic culture.

在他的书推倒这堵墙,说,迪弗“在里根的公众形象的塑造是最强大的力量”和“他的真正的人才是舞台艺术。Romesh Ratnesar, in his book Tear Down This Wall, said that Deaver "was the most powerful force in the molding of Reagan's public image, " and that "his true talent was stagecraft.

舞台艺术导论在每年春季学期开课,它是一门参与性很强的课程,要求学生实际操作舞台制作的工具和技术。Offered annually in the spring term, Introduction to Stagecraft is a hands-on course that gets students working with the tools and techniques of theatrical production in a practical way.

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中国歌剧自20世纪20年代在中国诞生以来,成为中国文艺舞台上众多艺术表演形式中的一元。Chinese opera has become a very important form of art performance on the stage of literature and art since it was born in early 20th century in china. Opera is a comprehensive stagecraft.

他将他的想象力同电脑技术处理的图像、视频、音乐和他的演出才能,以及对未来独到的看法完美地结合起来,创造了一个独特的无与伦比的表演。His imaginative combination of computer-generated imagery, video, music and stagecraft with his unique vision of future life is creatively unique and unequalled within the performing arts.

公司主要由广告展览,舞台艺术设计、工艺美术设计、卡通动漫先行者、创意产品开拓者组合而成。The company mainly by the advertisement display, the stagecraft design, the industrial art design, the cartoon animation forerunner, the creativity product earlier worker combines becomes.