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该卡门常数的理论公式与实测资料较为吻合。The results from this equation of Karman constant agree with measured data.

今天它被大多数人定义为开始于100千米处,即所谓的卡门线。Today it is defined by most as beginning at 100 km, at what is called the Kármán Line.

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本文对水轮机固定导叶和活动导叶后卡门涡进行了系统的研究。In this paper, we studied the Karman vortices after stay vane and guide vane for hydraulic turbines.

塔瓦库勒·卡曼在也门妇女争取权力与民主的活动中起着主导作用。Tawakkul Karman has played a leading role in the struggle for women's rights and democracy in Yemen.

冯卡门推荐钱学森加入了给美国空军领导人提供建议的科学顾问委员会。Von Karman vouched for Qian to join the Scientific Advisory Board, set up to advise the head of the Air Force.

卡门涡在尾迹平均流场中演化产生三维的类似于马蹄形-勺子形的流场结构。Karman vortex in the time-averaged wake flow field wolves into a horseshoe-spoon-like three-dimensional structure.

本文利用保角变换,用离散涡方法求解了卡门涡街与翼型的相互作用。Based on the discrete vortex method, a conformal mapping technique is used to solve Karman vortex street-airfoil interaction.

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将流程泵叶轮叶片和压水室的隔舌看作旋涡发生体,在不同运行工况下在叶片后缘以及隔舌两侧串联发生的卡门涡街的发射频率是不同的。The emission frequency of the Karman vortex street occurred in series from the blades and tongue is varing with the running condition.

挟沙水流的流速分布,特别是其中的卡门常数,一直是冲积河流水力学研究的热点问题之一。Velocity distribution in sediment-laden flow, especially its Karman constant, is one of the most important issues in fluvial hydraulics.

由于为争取妇女权益作出重大的贡献,埃伦·约翰逊-瑟利夫、莱伊曼·古博韦与塔瓦库勒·卡曼三位女性共享2011年度诺贝尔和平奖。The 2011 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee and Tawakkul Karman for their work for women's rights.

运用FLUENT数值仿真软件成功的模拟出流体流经涡街流量传感器时所产生的卡门涡街现象。It is presented how to successfully simulate the phenomenon of Karman vortex street when fluid passes by vortex flowmeter by using FLUENT software.

挟沙水流卡门常数是反映泥沙运动对水流结构影响的重要参数之一,本文回顾并讨论了挟沙水流卡门常数的计算公式及其影响因素。The von Karman constant of sediment-laden flows is one of the important parameters reflecting the influence of sediment movement on the flow structure.

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输电钢管塔的微风振动,是其部分圆截面构件在较低风速时发生的由卡门涡街引起的横风向运动。Steel tube transmission tower aeolian vibration is lateral motions of some circular tower members induced by Karman vortex under relatively low wind speed.

我赞赏瑟利夫总统、雷玛·博维和塔瓦库勒·卡曼向全世界表明人类一半人口的权利和发言权不容否定而且绝不会被否定。I commend President Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee, and Tawakkul Karman for showing the world that the rights and voices of half of humanity cannot and will not be denied.

本文建立的水轮机固定导叶和活动导叶后卡门涡频率预估模型,可在设计阶段进行叶片绕流卡门涡频率的预估。The shedding frequency computation model built in this paper can be used to predict the shedding frequency of the Karman vortices for designing hydraulic turbines.

本文建立的水轮机固定导叶和活动导叶后卡门涡频率预估模型,可在设计阶段进行叶片绕流卡门涡频率的预估。The vortices shedding frequency calculation model proposed by this paper can be used to predict the shedding frequency of the Karman vortices for hydraulic turbines design.

2011年诺贝尔和平奖被授予利比利亚总统埃伦.约翰逊.瑟利夫,利比利亚和平活动人士蕾曼.格鲍伊和也门妇女权利倡导者塔瓦库尔.卡门。The 2011 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Liberian peace activist Leymah Gbowee and Yemeni women's rights advocate Tawakkul Karman.

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基于经典非线性板理论,研究了功能梯度圆板在热、机械等载荷作用下的轴对称非线性弯曲问题。Based on the classical nonlinear theory of von Karman plate, axisymmetric large deflection bending of a functionally graded circular plate are investigated under mechanical and thermal loads.

本文用涡动力学及LIA方法作为基本理论模型,数值研究了尾迹中孤立涡和细涡丝的三维演化规律。In this paper, the mechanism for three-dimensional evolution of the isolated Karman vortex and the thin vortex filament in a circular cylinder wake has been studied numerically using LIA method.

在迎角很大时细长旋成体背部流场沿轴向通常有两个截然不同的区域,其中卡门涡脱落区域位于后体,而头涡区域靠近旋成体头部。There are two shedding modes along the slender axes when the angle of attack is very high. The Karman vortex shedding region is located in afterbody while the nose vortices region is near the apex.