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巴比特是一名正式代表。Babbitt was an official delegate.

巴比特付了款,有分寸地说。Babbitt paid his bill, said adequately.

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白比特自认为是重要人物。Babbitt felt himself a person of importance.

巴比特把手伸进冷冽的流水。Babbitt drew his hand through the cool flood.

巴比特赶紧跑进保罗的浴室。里面空无一人。Babbitt flung into Paul's bathroom. It was empty.

巴比特不常和雇员争吵。Babbitt did not often squabble with his employees.

布鲁斯.巴比特一直是我最喜欢的州长之一。Bruce Babbitt had been one of my favorite fellow governors.

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欧文·白壁德是美国著名的文学评论家、教育家。Irving Babbitt is a well-known literature critic and educator.

巴比特先生赞扬对过去优秀事物的继承。Mr. Babbitt advocated retaining the good things from the past.

20世纪初,美国思想家白璧德提出了新人文主义。In the early 20th century, Irving Babbitt advocated New-Humanism.

巴比特还很少一个人在房子里待一个晚上呢。Rarely had Babbitt been alone in the house for an entire evening.

巴比特面对黑暗的池塘坐在树桩上,不时拍打蚊子。Babbitt sat on the stump , facing the dark pond, slapping mosquitoes.

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巴比特往常总是兴冲冲地,有说有笑地下楼吃早饭。Often of a morning Babbitt came bouncing and jesting in to breakfast.

巴比特无章可循,不能作权威性的发言了。Babbitt was without a canon which would enable him to speak with authority.

巴比特开着汽车,犯险地超过卡车,也不理会卡车司机的臭骂。Babbitt drove, sliding viciously past trucks, ignoring the truckmen's curses.

常规磨机中空轴承用巴氏合金轴瓦,为稀油润滑。The hollow bearing of normal mill adopts Babbitt alloy bush and oil lubrication.

诺贝尔委员会称,主人公巴比特是中产阶级的偶像。The Nobel committee called George Babbitt the popular hero of the American middle class.

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巴比特是一切保守的、传统的和高尚的事物的维护者。Babbitt is the upholder of everything that is conservative, conventional and respectable.

因为我读了一本写一个虚构的人物乔治·F·巴比特的小说才有这番变化的。And this had happened because I had read a novel about a mythical man called George F. Babbitt.

尽管巴比特持乐观主义,缺乏智力和德行,但他至少还渴望得到爱情与友谊。For all his optimism, his lack of intellect and character, babbitt at least desires love and friendship.