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不要说闲话。Avoid gossip.

她爱搬弄是非。She is a gossip.

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这只是些闲话These are gossip.

你喜欢嚼舌根。You love to gossip.

我不赞成背后议论别人。I don't approve of gossip.

她喜欢搬弄是非。She loves to peddle gossip.

谁的妈妈喜欢嚼舌头?Whose mother likes to gossip?

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你不应该听流言蜚语。You shouldnt listen to gossip.

她的闲话真让我受不了。I am really tired of her gossip.

她常搬弄是非和造谣中伤。She deals in gossip and slander.

不要复述你听到的流言蜚语。Don’t repeat any gossip you hear.

柔依是我们办公室的八卦女王。Zoe is our office's gossip queen.

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办公室里的八卦你会参加吗?Do you take part in office gossip?

闲话少说,言归正传。To talk idly, especially to gossip.

人人都受够了她的流言飞语。Everyone was fed up with her gossip.

办公室里的流言有上升趋势吗?Is there an uptick in office gossip?

“流言蜚女”上说的是真的了?。So what was on "gossip girl's" true?

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但是她是怎么上的“流言蜚女”呢?。But how did she get on "gossip girl"?

我在闲话栏曾看过有关这件事的报道。I read about it in the gossip column.

她用难听的流言蜚语臭他。She discredited him with ugly gossip.