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而现在,他们闷不做声了。Now they were sullen.

稍复平静后,他拥抱了脸色阴沉的马胡。Moments later, he embraced a sullen Mr.

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乔拉爵士只是阴郁的看了一眼作为回答。Ser Jorah's only reply was a sullen stare.

希刺克厉夫,亲爱的!现在你不该沉着脸。Heathcliff, dear! You should not be sullen now.

他很安静,话多的刚好让他不会显得阴沉。he was quiet, but said enough not to seem sullen.

在我们家里,闷闷不乐是不会有人搭理你的。A fit of the sullen got short shrift in our house.

浩然每天都带着冷冰冰的脸孔到新学校上课。Hao Ran went to school with a sullen face every day.

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经常暴露出郁闷和尖刻的性格特征。Often developed sullen and acerbic character traits.

这些被驱逐的人类阴郁而恼怒,就像战俘一样。The evicted humans are sullen and angry, like POW’s.

这话像鞭子一样抽痛了赫斯渥。This cut Hurstwood like a whip, and made him sullen.

“我知道这很为难”,她说道,也传染了我郁闷的心情。“I know it’s hard,” she said, catching my sullen mood.

它试着向前迈了几步,嗅了嗅毫无生气的空气。It took a few steps forward, and sniffed the sullen air.

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何况莫洛克神的影响也使他们变得忧郁起来。Afortiori the influence of Moloch made them become sullen.

但是这次愠怒的欧洲人对他却是不理不睬。But this time he was being greeted by sullen indifference.

我又揿了一下门铃,一名侍女紧绷着脸把门开了。I rang again and a maid with a sullen face opened the door.

并且我就像一个闷闷不乐的新妈妈,来不及应付她的角色。And I felt just like a sullen new mom, not ready for her role.

女孩起初讨厌你是因为你看上去很难懂。Girls hate you initially because you seem mysterious and sullen.

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乌云很快地集拢在森林的黝黑的边缘上。SULLEN clouds are gathering fast over the black fringe of the forest.

她今天并没有带着这种愠怒的抵触情绪到他这儿来。She had not come to him today with this feeling of sullen antagonism.

在众多的保守派议员中,更多的人是阴郁沉闷、缺乏激情的。The mood among Conservative MPs is less shining-eyed and more sullen.