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那孩子用一根皮带牵着普茨。The boy had Pooch on a leash.

这条可怜的杂毛狗看着快要爆炸了。This poor pooch looks ready to collie-apse.

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你和你的口袋书将无处谢谢。Your pooch and your pocket book will thank you.

她不想让长卷毛狗的尸体把家里弄得一团糟糕。She didn’t want the mess of the pooch expiring at home.

是啊,带着一条未被邀请的狗出现确实是不礼貌。Yes, it is bad manners to show up with an uninvited pooch.

我们将从中挑选出品种最优良、模样最可爱的狗儿。We’d search out the best, most lovable pooch we could find.

你的宠物狗会喜欢在此时出去散散步。Your pet pooch will be happy to go for walkies at this time

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我想念我的朋友,甚至开始希望普茨能和我在一起。I missed my friends, and I even began to wish that Pooch was with me.

一旦音乐开始,这自信帅气的小狗就成为了最佳的音乐演奏者!Once the music starts, this perky pooch becomes a music-groovin' machine!

穿上舒适的鞋子,给狗系上皮带,然后迈动双腿。Lace up some comfortable shoes, put your pooch on his leash and move those legs.

这位即将做妈妈的明星周一在洛杉矶兜抱着自己的杂交狗狗。The mom-to-be scoops up her pooch while out for a walk in Los Angeles on Monday.

最近的一项研究表明,养有狗的人比没养狗的人要更健康。A recent study found that dog owners are often fitter than those who don't own a pooch.

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救援活动过程中,你都可以听到这只小家伙嗷嗷的叫声。You can actually hear the one-year old pooch whimpering during the entire rescue process.

然后,通过那么一吻,细菌就从狗传给了人,带来那令人讨厌的痢疾。Then a kiss moves these germs from pooch to person, along with a nasty course of diarrhea.

当然,限狗令有助于其他方面,比如猖獗的叫声和没人收拾的狗屎。The one pooch policy will help combat, among other things, rampant barking and unscooped poop.

他弯下身去搔弄普茨两个耳朵根,然后轻轻拂过她光溜的鼻子和嘴。He bent down and scratched Pooch behind both ears and ran his hand gently down her smooth muzzle.

总统夫人介绍,本月初曾为总统爱犬的一周岁生日举办了一场玫瑰派对。The first lady said the presidential pooch celebrated his first birthday earlier this month with a Rose Garden party.

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如果你在纽约的一个公园里让爱犬迈克斯把球衔回来,你很可能会发现衔回球的是一只陌生的狗。If you're in a New York City park and tell your dog Max to fetch, you might find a strange pooch retrieving your ball.

英国最挥霍的狗饲主为了给她的杂种犬完美的大喜之日,砸下难以置信的2万英镑。Britain's most extravagant dog owner has splashed out an incredible £20,000 on giving her pooch the perfect wedding day.

而它能表演得如此引人入胜可能部分源于他的本色出演,因为它曾经也是一条流浪狗。That Skyes is able to give such a compelling performance may partly be down to the fact that he was once an abandoned pooch himself.