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我们不能安于现状。We cannot be complacent.

若有自满心,就是愚痴。Being complacent is stupid.

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是故步自封还是险中求生?Are complacent or insurance to survive?

但是这并不意味着我们可以自满。But this doesn't mean we can be complacent.

中国没有任何理由骄傲自满。China has no reason whatsoever to be complacent.

我们决不能一见成绩就自满起来。We must not become complacent the moment we have some success.

受思深处宜先退,得意浓时便可休。By thinking deep should first retreat, complacent when you can rest.

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过去十年给我们的教训是投资者经常过于乐观。The lesson of the past decade is that investors can easily get too complacent.

诺基亚曾经很快地跨入业内顶尖行列,但却开始松懈。Nokia got to the top of its industry quickly. Once there, it became complacent.

“通天”的白色鞋柜和大肚子灶台都是自得之作。Exceeding lofty or great white shoe ark and abdominous hearth are complacent make.

随着他们在关系的开端的采取的行动,他们变得自满。As these guys took action in the beginning of the relationship, they became complacent.

抚今追昔,我们没有理由自满,改革开放任重而道远。However, we have no reason to be complacent. Our reforms remain a far and hard journey.

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其圆弧形的踏步,是女主人最为自得之处。The footfall of form of its circular arc, it is the place with most complacent goodwife.

有一些复苏迹象,我们现在更加乐观,但还不到满足程度.There are signs of recovery and we are more optimistic at this point, yet not complacent.

但成功度过“七年之痒”的夫妻不要沾沾自喜。成者为王,败者为寇。But couples who manage to survive the seven-year itch would be wise not to get complacent.

中国篮球界在姚明成为国内第一个世界巨星后骄傲自满了吗?Did Chinese basketball get complacent after Yao became the country's first global superstar?

好奇心是年轻心态的表现,永远不要自满,那你就会一直年轻。Curiosity is the youthfulness of the mind, never get complacent and you will be young forever.

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实际上,研究表明快乐并没有让人们自满或以自我为中心。In fact, however, studies show that happiness doesn't make people complacent or self-centered.

天平座们本周不要对自己的人际关系过于自信,记住——生活总是在变化的。Librans shouldn't get too complacent about their relationships, because life is always changing.

不过,这个年轻人,他并不满足于现有的成就,因为他正当盛年,他誓言要百尺竿头,更进一步,为子子孙孙,建立稳如磐石的伟大。Yet he is not complacent. In the prime of life, the youth has vowed to do even better and lay a.