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但proclivity本身又具有倾向性。But there is a tone to proclivity too.

暴虐和专横跋扈的癖性。A proclivity for violence and authoritarianism.

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两岸老太太有一个癖性,以发牢骚。The cross old lady has a proclivity to grumble.

讽刺的是,proclivity的词源恰好与后面那种用法吻合。The etymology of the word proclivity is ironically appropriate for this flavor of usage.

与低分化、近端大肠癌密切相关。RER positive related strongly with poor differentiation, the proclivity for proximal colon.

巴基斯坦拒绝接受这些缺乏依据和不负责任的指责、以及这些指责背后的态度和倾向。Pakistan rejects these baseless and irresponsible allegations and the attitude and proclivity behind them.

但是,施密特并不相信这次经济危机会摇撼美国消费者花钱负债的嗜好。But Schmidt does not believe the economic crisis has shaken U.S. consumers’ proclivity to spend money by going into debt.

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美国与伊斯兰社会两种不同文化之间的屏障阻碍了美国士兵与伊斯兰社会交流的倾向。A barrier of cultural differences between American and Islamic societies blocks the American soldier's proclivity to connect with alien societies.

当我们把银行业务从投行分离出去的时候,由于理论上说投行的本性决定了其容易犯错误,决定了其容易犯错误。When we separated banking from investment banking, on the theory the investment banking had natural proclivity to get from another folly to do it.

这份合同是关于莎沙武贾西奇的—一个因出手快,投篮稳而得名“机器“的替补后卫,一个和图里亚夫一样同是受限制的自由球员。Sasha Vujacic, the reserve guard nicknamed "The Machine" because of his proclivity for cranking up shots, is, like Turiaf, a restricted free agent.

虽然富兰克林没有申请这些发明专利,但他的其他创新活动充分表明了他的赚钱头脑!Although Franklin chose not to patent these inventions, his many other entrepreneurial activities amply demonstrate his proclivity for making money!

更危险的是人们有会趋于选择大学业,这是因为我们的惰性驱使我们在困惑面前会选择一种默认的行为。This makes it even more dangerous that people have a proclivity to choose grad school because we naturally look for a default in the face of confusion.

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Proclivity的吉尔伯特认为做这项研究会让零售商不用再根据一些过时的信息向顾客发送推荐广告了。Doing this type of analysis, Mr. Gilbert of Proclivity believes, would stop retailers from sending out buying recommendations based on outdated information.

交换合成生理的组织这些难以解决矩阵引起成年人细胞放弃他们闭合成年人的伤口的正常的倾向性。These insoluble matrices induce adult cells to abandon their normal proclivity in closing up adult wounds in exchange for synthesizing physiological tissues.

小心你说在这个时间,因为水星在逆行,对缺乏沟通可以创造大量的,不必要的并发症倾向。Be careful what you say at this time, because with Mercury in retrograde, the proclivity for miscommunications could create massive, unnecessary complications.

从那个源头导致的影响使得在这个宇宙中任何地方的灵魂,只要倾向于贪婪,残忍与贪求权力的,都成为了黑暗力量的傀儡。It is from that source that souls anywhere in this universe who have proclivity toward greed, ruthlessness and lust for power become puppets of that abject darkness.

今年49岁的盖特纳以私底下爱说脏话而出名,还擅长神不知鬼不觉地将讨论的中心内容从美国制造业转向中国的人民币。The 49-year-old Treasury secretary is known for his private proclivity for profanity and an ability to pivot seamlessly from discussing U. S. manufacturing to the Chinese currency.

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兴趣是一种带意识特点的心理倾向,也是青少年儿童接受外来信息、探索未知世界的内在动力。Interest, a psychologic proclivity with consciousness trait, also serves as a numen for young children to acquire extraneous information and to explore the veiled things in the world.

我曾经听电台里讲着关于野生动物交配习性的自然历史展,proclivity在对话中出现好几次。I was listening to the radio where they were talking about a natural history exhibit on the mating habits of wild animals. The word proclivity came up in the conversation more than once.

朝鲜与亚洲其它地区不同,从不用长远的历史眼光看问题,同时也是东亚唯一一个领导人不具备长远战略眼光的国家。The great Asian proclivity for thinking in terms of the long arc of history is absent in North Korea, the only country in east Asia whose leaders have no strategic vision for the long term.