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中国重获联合国合法席位China regiven the seat on the UNSC

图配有联合国安理会战步枪。Figure comes with UNSC Battle Rifle.

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因为“梅德韦杰夫没有否决联合国安理会1973号决议。”Because ‘Medvedev did not veto UNSC resolution 1973.’

此外,就是要落实好联合国安理会的第2270号决议。Moreover, UNSC Resolution 2270 should be implemented.

UNSC舰队的MAC炮弹冲击着圣约人的驱逐舰。The UNSC fleet MAC rounds impacted on the Covenant destroyer.

决议,这里被联合国指定为无核区。The resolution of UNSC stated that this area is a nonnuclear area.

总之,没有中国的批准,任何决议在安理会别想通过。In any case, no resolution can get past the UNSC without China's approval.

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此外,两国经常在安理会合作一起反制西欧影响。Also both often cooperate in the UNSC to counter Western-European influence.

UNSC战舰的舰首展开,磁力大炮开火了。The prows of the UNSC ships flared as their magnetic accelerator cannons fired.

技术上来说曹已经超过了UNSC巡游艇兵种的强制退休年龄。Cho was technically past the mandatory retirement age in the UNSC prowler corps.

而且,美国还提议让中国作为世界强权的一级,成为联合国常任理事国。US also promoted China to a super power status by accepting it as a permanent UNSC member.

此外,扩大安理会需要联合国大会三分之二成员的支持。Moreover, expansion of the UNSC requires the support of two-thirds of the General Assembly.

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在世界和平受到严重威胁的情况下,联合国安理会的决议可以无视任何一个五常的一票否决。Under grave threat to world peace UNSC resolution can override a Veto of any of the P5 nations.

三是安理会应充分听取和尊重广大阿拉伯国家和非洲国家的意见。Third, the UNSC should listen to and respect the opinions of the vast Arab and African countries.

军事骨干联合国安理会,海洋是准备加入数字迫使你采取行动的行列。The backbone of the UNSC military, the Marine is ready to join the ranks of your action figure force.

只有在联合国及其安理会主导下才能合法有效地对恐怖主义行使自卫权。Only by the dominant of UN and UNSC can states use force to fight against terrorism legally and effectively.

UNSC战舰引爆了自己的核反应堆和核弹头,整个舰体从内部爆发。The UNSC vessel erupted from inside, reactor overload and single nuclear warhead detonated in an act of self-destruction.

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具体地说,联合国安理会于12月2日将美国提出的第1846号决议展期,这项决议允许各国海军打击在索马里海域进行的海盗活动。Specifically, on December 2, the UNSC extended the U.S.-sponsored Resolution 1846, which allows navies to combat piracy in Somali waters.

我认为这份媒体报道有可能会被用以进一步加强由联合国安理会主导的孤立政策,以及与联合国安理会2094号决议相关的政策。I think this media report will be and could be used to further justify the UNSC-led isolations or policies in regard to UNSC Resolution 2094.

美国在东海和南海问题上还会再次和中国签订秘密协议以换取中国在安理会上投出对叙利亚和中东不利的一票吗?Will the US make another back room deal with China on South and East China Seasin exchange of UNSC vote from China against Syria or Middle East?