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丢了一页。Lose one page.

在哪一页?On which page?

Other words in sentence

把这一页抄下来。Copy this page.

翻开书第八页。Turn to Page 8.

在纸张上哭泣。Cry on the page.

预览该页面。Preview the page.

翻过去这一页吧。Just turn the page.

Other words in sentence

这是在第11页。This is on page 11.

已经进入校对阶段。It's in page proofs.

这是在198页。This is on page 198.

看267页。This is on page 267.

请翻到第67页。Please turn to page 67.

Other words in sentence

看看18页。Take a look at page 18.

请翻到第一百零八页。Please turn to page 108.

他慢慢地翻过曲谱。He turns the page slowly.

我只念了一页左右。I read only a page or so.

我只读了一页左右。I read only a page or so.

Other words in sentence

按开始键翻页。Press the Start key page.

做75页上的练习20.Do exercise 20 on page 75.

更多细节请看1143页。For details see Page 1143.