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他也是一位地质学家。He is also a geologist.

地质学家探明了一个煤矿的藏量。The geologist proves up a coal deposit.

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地质学家探明了一个煤矿的藏量。The geologist proves up a coal deposits.

海沃德作为一名钻探地质学家于1982年加入了BP。Hayward started at BP as a rig geologist in 1982.

岩芯出筒时,必须有地质人员在场。The geologist must be present while taking out the core.

地质学者认为断层是震源在地表的表现。Geologist thinks that fault is the surface expression of focus.

你好,见到你也很高兴。我是戴维,美国人,地质师。Hi, glad to meet you, too. I'm David, from America, I'm a geologist.

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任一个地理学者一定会被出现在我们眼前的景观所著迷。A geologist would have been charmed with the scene laid open to our view.

菲尔。施耐德是一个自学成才的地质学家和炸药专家。Phil Schneider was a self-taugustht geologist very goodd explosives expert.

你们的地质学家了解到此区域在12000年前确实是被淹在水里的。It is understood by your geologist that this area was under water 12,000 years ago.

他是一个地质学家,知道有许多人在那里斋浦尔连接到这个行业。He is a geologist there and knows many people there at Jaipur connected to this trade.

读完描述魏格纳思想的一篇文章的原稿,这位地理学家想必被激怒了。Having read an article describing Wegener's idea, the geologist must have been burnt up.

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地质学家可用麦卡托投影来绘制古生界沉积中的水流方向。Mercator might be used by a geologist mapping current directions in Palaeozoic sediment.

奥勃鲁契夫是19世纪俄国的著名地质和地貌学家。Obrutchev lived in the 19th century as a famous geologist and geomorphologist in Russia.

华莱士建议达尔文将论文转寄给苏格兰地质学家赖尔。Wallace had suggested that Darwin forward the paper to Scottish geologist Charles Lyell.

地质学家可用麦卡托投影来绘制古生界沉积的水流方向。Mrecator might be used by a geologist mapping current directions in palaeozoic sediments.

早在1892,一个叫考博的地理学家挑战了关于月球表面的理论。Back 1892, a geologist named Cooper with challenging the previous view about lunar surface.

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根据公司发言人的说法,迈克尔·哈里斯是里约热内卢的一个公司的地质学家。Michael Harris was a company geologist in Rio de Janeiro, according to a company spokesman.

又如地质学家认为花岗石是由石英、肉色石、金星石合成的,也是对的。So too the geologist does well to regard granite as a compound of quartz, felspar, and mica.

地质学家在2007年同样事故中死亡,迫使圣何塞矿井关闭。A geologist was killed in the same 2007 accident, prompting the closure of the San Jose mine.