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这也有利于避免享乐性适应。This also helps to avoid hedonic adaptation.

Hassenzahl用一组锤子暗喻解释了享乐主义和实用主义。Hassenzahl explains the hedonic and pragmatic qualities with a hammer metaphor.

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这些类别在大的方面可以被归类为实用主义和享乐主义属性里。These categories can, on a higher level, be grouped into pragmatic and hedonic attributes.

商场的根底即是按质论价,按质论价在前言这一块即是发行量。Thee mall is the foundation of hedonic price, hedonic price in the circulation of this piece is.

我知道享乐的枯燥的生活方式会在每次我得到更多的时候继续侵蚀。I know there is a hedonic treadmill that will just keep moving each time I get one of those things.

一旦你购买到了自己梦寐以求的房子,你将会居住很久很久,远远地超过快乐适应期那段时间。Once you buy that dream house, you are going to be in it far past the period of hedonic adaptation.

可是,你很快就会风俗了,一个在原地踏步,经济学家称之为“享乐跑步机的状况。But you soon get used to them, a state of running in place that economists call the hedonic treadmill.

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型不仅出体现在全球普遍幸福也是体现在情感方面的幸福。The U-bend shows up in studies not just of global well-being but also of hedonic or emotional well-being.

但这并不适用于用户体验,因为很少用到的功能可以满足一个叫做刺激性的享乐功能。This is necessarily not the case with UX, because rarely used functions can fill a hedonic function called stimulation.

在保育与防灾之基础上,对于水库集水区的开发利用,土地适宜性分析为一必要的前提。This study employs a hedonic pricing approach to test empirically the effects of conservation easements on land values.

快乐跑步机“背后另一个”真凶’是当我们每上一个经济台阶后在参考群体对象上的转移。Another culprit behind the hedonic treadmill is the shift in reference groups that occurs as we move up the economic ladder.

由于住宅产品的异质性,国外学者广泛使用特征价格模型分析城市住宅市场。Owing to the heterogeneity of housing product, foreign scholars widely apply hedonic price model to study urban housing market.

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然后,利用特徵价格模式估计当防洪计画完成、淹水超越机率降低至一定水准时之效益。An estimated hedonic price equation is used to calculate the increases in housing prices as the exceedance probability of flooding decreases.

应用扩展住宅特征价格模型,论文搜集整理了我国20个大中城市的78个住宅小区资料进行了实证分析。In the end, collecting 78 housing data in 20 cities, the paper carries on with an experiential research by using the expanding housing hedonic model.

为了进一步明确享乐方法应用条件,讨论了享乐方法应用的前提假设,最后,作者认为享乐方法可以成为城市地价评估的手段之一。Finally. it is pionted out that hedonic approach which was developed for solving marginal implict price of amenties may be applied to price urban land.

通过收集杭州市西湖区278套住宅交易资料,选择15个因素作为住宅特征,建立了住宅特征价格模型。By collecting 278 housing data in the Xihu Section of Hangzhou City, a housing hedonic price model was set up with 15 factors as housing characteristics.

关于“幸福感的适应性现象”,70年代曾经有一次经典的研究,研究对象是乐透彩中奖者。结果表明,这些突发横财的中奖者一年之后的幸福感觉和那些没中过奖的人已经没有什么差别。The classic example of such "hedonic adaptation" comes from a 1970s study of lottery winners, who a year after their windfall ended up no happier than nonwinners.

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尽管实用主义和产品的实际操作和功能相关,但享乐主义则和用户的心理幸福感相联系。Whereas the pragmatic attributes relate to the practical usage and functions of the product, the hedonic attributes relate to the user’s psychological well-being.

产品本身大都同时具有功能性和享受性属性,消费者通常会根据产品在功能性和享受性两方面的不同表现对其做出评价。Products has two kinds of attributes, namely, utilitarian attributes and hedonic attributes Consumers often evaluate the products on the basis of these attributes.

他为纽约时报,时代周刊,甚至是星巴克写过论文及文章,同时继续他在享乐心理学研究室对幸福的研究。He has written essays and articles for The New York Times, Time and even Starbucks, while continuing his research into happiness at his Hedonic Psychology Laboratory.