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看看能不能确定亲子关系?See if we can prove paternity?

也许她做过产前亲子鉴定。She may have had a prenatal paternity test done.

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但是他们现在他们可以直接去专柜做亲子鉴定。Now they can get a paternity test over the counter.

乔布斯曾多年不承认与Lisa的父女关系。Jobs denied paternity of his daughter Lisa for years.

与此同时,亲子鉴定报告出来了,余淼就是小顺。At the same time, paternity test report came out, yo is small.

而男性的法定带薪休假仅有2周。Men are allowed two weeks of paternity leave, on statutory pay.

乔布斯曾以不育为借口拒绝抚养自己的第一个孩子。He denied paternity on his first child, claiming he was sterile.

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谢贤很焦急的等待亲子鉴定的结果。Yin Tse is anxious for the result of his grandon's paternity test.

父亲们将能享受更多的产假工资,全薪产假为两周。Fathers would see paternity pay increased to two weeks’ on full pay.

其次应对亲权制度的具体内容进行明确规定。Secondly, shall definitely regulate specific content of paternity system.

在他亲子鉴定结果出来的第二天我找过他。I speak to him the day after the result of his paternity test has come back.

身份权请求权在诉讼上表现为给付之诉。And the claim of paternity right is applicable for the action of performance.

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身份权请求权是民事权利保护的请求权体系中的一种。The claim of paternity right is in the system of claims to protect civil rights.

同时还证明了叔伯系数与父权指数之间的线性关系。The linear relationship between paternity index and avuncular index is exhibited.

葡萄牙是唯一一个强制休陪产假的国家,但是产假的时间只有一周。Portugal is the only country where paternity leave is mandatory — but only for a week.

没想到沈教授病危,她夫人何教授拒绝亲子鉴定。Didnt think professor shen was dying, she lady professor he refused to paternity tests.

进一步确认我室确定的亲子鉴定判定标准的可靠性。To affirm the reliability of the criterion for judging paternity set by our laboratory.

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确定单亲案的亲权概率计算方法和认定标准。To establish a calculation method of paternity probability in cases of absence of mother.

源于罗马法和日尔曼法的亲权制度已走向世界。Paternity system that originated from Roman law and Germanic law has walked into the world.

对于北欧地区的男性来说,偏好金发的另外一个可能的原因是为了确保他们的父亲身法。Another possible reason for Nordic gentlemen preferring blondes is to assure their paternity.