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有三分之一曾接受过精神科药物治疗。One-third have taken psychiatric medication.

这里是蓝染花私立精神科疗养院。This is Aizome Private Psychiatric Sanatorium.

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她作为门诊病人接受了精神科护理。She received psychiatric care as an outpatient.

一些精神病人也有慢性骚痒。Some psychiatric patients also get chronic itch.

但是,精神疾病是多因素疾病。Psychiatric diseases, however, are multifactorial.

许多精神疾病发端于成年期之前。Many psychiatric disorders begin well before adulthood.

女性也比男性更经常服用精神科药物。Women also took psychiatric medications more often than men.

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目的了解精神科护士心理健康状况。Objective To assess mental health status in psychiatric nurses.

自2003年到2008年,中国新添了50,000张精神病院的床位。China added 50, 000 psychiatric hospital beds from 2003 to 2008.

韩副教授告诉记者,他本人对结果感到很意外。Han told Psychiatric News that he was surprised by this outcome.

那项研究包括大约2890名精神病住院患者。That study's cohort included some 2, 800 psychiatric inpatients.

结论精神科护士心理健康状况较好。Conclusions Mental health state of psychiatric nurses were better.

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目的了解精神科护士心理健康状况。Objective To study the mental health status of psychiatric nurses.

人们可能会怀疑我是从哪个精神病院逃出来的。People are probably wondering what psychiatric ward I escaped from.

精神科日间医院名额增至679个。The number of psychiatric day hospital places was increased to 679.

结论精神科护士心理健康状况较好。Conclusion The mental health level of psychiatric nurses are better.

到了早上他依然是暴跳如雷,因而被送进精神病院。Still outraged in the morning, he is committed to a psychiatric clinic.

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本研究的目的是评价他们的精神合并症。The aim of the present study was to evaluate their psychiatric comorbidity.

他们也做“研究”工作,在密闭的心理咨询室进行。They also do 'in-reach' work, holding sessions in closed psychiatric wards.

法官称,他将建议迪沃根终生接受精神监测。The judge said he would recommend Divo root lifetime psychiatric monitoring.