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天桂山四季分明,气象万千。Tian Shan four seasons, the Meteorology Series.

大气物理学和气象学是复杂的。Atmospheric physics and meteorology are complex.

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小时候我曾对气象学非常着迷。I was very fascinated with meteorology at a young age.

气象局的工作人员解释沙尘暴的来源。Staff at the meteorology office explained where the sand from.

它既是应用气象学的一个分支,又是林学的一门基础学科。It is a branch of applied meteorology , forestry is a basic branches.

每当降温时,气象学术语的热度都随之升高。The terminology of meteorology rises every time the temperature falls.

从理论上讲,他们的继承人的气象理论能解释这种大气现象。Theoretically, their heir’s theory of meteorology can explain the meteor.

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尹宏,大气辐射学基础,1993,气象出版社。Yin Hong, Atmospheric Radiation Theoretical Basis, 1993, Meteorology Press.

气象学是对于大气、大气的现象与天气的研究。Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere and its phenomena and the weather.

创立科学理论的工作可以同在中心气象台制作气象图相比。Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere and its phenomena and the weather.

可以说气象学对于保护地球环境来说有着至关重要的作用。The study of meteorology is of critical concern for protecting Earth's environment.

尼泊尔水利和气象部并非唯一资金困难的部门。Nepal's Department of Hydrology and Meteorology is not alone in its funding problems.

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澳大利亚国家气象局的科学家们也认为很可能会出现厄尔尼诺现象。Researchers at Australia's Bureau of Meteorology agree that an El Nino event is likely.

大气总水汽量是天文观测和气象科学领域最为重要的参量之一。The total precipitable water in atmosphere is astronomical observation and meteorology.

气象学是一门非常实用的科学,因为人人都关注天气。Meteorology is a very practical science because everyone is concerned about the weather.

气象学。风速测量计。测定旋转式风速计性能的风洞试验方法。Meteorology. Wind measurements. Wind tunnel test methods for rotating anemometer performance.

气象部门和组织必须从这场持续的旱情中吸取惨痛的教训。The on-going drought should be a tough lesson for the meteorology departments and organizations.

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数据传输是高速公路自动气象监测网的重要组成部分。Data transmission is an important component of the expressway automatic meteorology monitor network.

黎气象局11日发布的预报说,这种恶劣天气还将持续数天。Le Bureau of Meteorology said the forecast issued 11 such bad weather will continue for several days.

所以,本文所提及的气象业、气象产业仅指气象信息业或气象信息产业。So, meteorology and meteorological industry in this paper only refer to meteorological information industry.