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部分甚至会面临资产被没收的境地。Some may even face the expropriation of their assets.

已经用以留水的土地能否保证不会被征用?Will the land used to keep the water be protected from expropriation?

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城镇化遇到的首要问题就是征地问题。During the process of urbanization the chief question is Land expropriation.

最烦人的趋势也许是不断升级的公众对政府专断权力的担心。The most disturbing trend may be an increased taste for arbitrary expropriation.

集体土地征收实际上是对农民集体所享有的土地物权的合法剥夺。Actually, the expropriation is the deprivation of real right of collectively-owned land.

最后,对当下中外没收财产刑进行比较。Finally, China-foreign expropriation punishment carries out comparison on the instantly.

可以说,当今世界各国普遍都确立了土地征收制度,我国亦不例外。Now , the whole owned has established the expropriation of land system , including China.

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财产权要承担社会义务,征收是其社会义务性的重要体现。Property right need to bear society obligation, and expropriation is the important embody of it.

Jaua被授予在向查韦斯征询后签订征收法令的权力。Mr Jaua has been granted the power to sign expropriation decrees, in consultation with Mr Chávez.

中国刑法规定的“没收”分为刑罚性质的没收和非刑罚性质的没收。The Expropriation in Chinese Criminal law is divided as two characters of penalty and non-penalty.

土地征收补偿应当是对被征收土地价值或功能的完全补偿。Compensation for land expropriation should fully cover the value or function of the expropriated land.

用“打土豪”罚款的方法筹措军费,只能是临时的和部分的。Expropriation of the local tyrants was only a temporary measure to defray part of the army's expenses.

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在制度层面上,我国农地征收及其相关制度的不合理是导致农地征收异化问题产生的制度根源。Depending on the law system, the irrationality of expropriating system leads to the dissimilation of land expropriation.

适应全国人大十届二次会议对宪法的修改,我国应制定一部专门的公益征收、征用法。After this time of modification to the constitution, special commonweal expropriation law should be legislated in our state.

由于土地属集体所有主要集中在农村,因此笔者主要以农村土地征收补偿标准为研究对象。Because collective-own land is mainly in rural area, the criterion of compensation for rural land expropriation is my topic.

通过与历史状况的比较,指出了我国现行征地制度的主要问题及其原因。On the comparison of historical condition, China's current land expropriation system and its main problems were pointed out.

虽然监管层采取的一系列清欠资金举措对占资行为有所遏制,但仍时有发生。Although the methods the government taken have acquired some effectiveness, the expropriation still take place from time to time.

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农民的土地财产性收入,指土地被征用、土地经营使用权经流转后而得到的相应补偿和收益。Farmers' land property income means relevant compensations for expropriation of land or proceeds from transfer of land use right.

仪式经常表现出对意识形态的迎合或被意识形态强力征用,从而导致道德教育内涵的窄化。The frequent adaptation of the school rites to ideology and the forced expropriation by ideology lead to the dullness of the moral.

征地制度作为我国集体土地单向流转进入土地市场的唯一手段业已成为国家与社会关注的焦点。As the only means our collective land enters into the land market, land expropriation has been the focus of attention of our society.