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被保险人可以与投保人为同一人。Insurant can be same person with policy-holder.

货物保险单的“被保险人”一栏应具买方名称。The Insurant shall be the Buyers name when the insurance form is completed.

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此规则对于长期人寿保险合同下的被保险人意义重大。This rule is important to the insurant under the long-term life insurance contract.

或者投保人可以变更受益人。Accordingly, " insurance law " regulation, insurant or policy-holder can change beneficiary beneficiary.

投保人未交足二年保险费的,保险人应当在扣除手续费后,退还保险费。If the insurant has not paid up the premium for two years, the insurer shall return the premium paid after deducting the commissions.

第三十条再保险接受人不得向原保险的投保人要求支付保险费。Article30 The re-insurance underwriter shall not claim for the payment of premium from the insurant of the original insurance contract.

一旦途中出险,“被保险人”应立即电话或传真向保险公司报损和提出索赔。Once accidents take place, the Insurant shall immediately inform the insurance company via telephone or fax of losses and initiate claims.

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若被保险人已从其他途径取得补偿,我们在保险金额的限额内对剩余部分承担相应的保险责任。If the insurant is compensated from other sources, we will undertake the insurance liability for the rest part within insured amount limitation.

因此,有必要在不足额保险下建立以被保险人利益优先为原则的行权模式,并相应地构建法定连带债权制度来彰显保险法的要义。Therefore, it is necessary to establish legal joint credit on the principle of priority to insurant to demonstrate the intention of insurance in underinsurance.

在投保人没有按约定支付保险费的情况下,保险人当然可以通过诉讼的方式请求被保险人支付。Below the circumstance that did not pay insurance premium by the agreement in policy-holder, the underwriter can request insurant to pay through litigant means of course.

被保险人新参保,享受待遇前已经住院,该如何办理医疗保险报销手续?Insurant new ginseng is protected, before enjoying treatment already be in hospital, how should deal with medical treatment to be sure to submit an expense account formalities?

“交强险”中的第三人特指“交强险”保单当事人以外的对被保险享有请求权的人。The third party in Compulsory Liability Insurance for Mobile Traffic Accident refers to the one who has the direct claim fight against the insurer besides the insurant to the insurance policies.