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粗暴毁爱情。Unkindness destroys love.

我决定宽恕他的刻薄。I decided to overlook his unkindness.

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德尚呼唤勇气和坚定,拒绝心慈手软。He wanted grit, determination and unkindness.

恶人常有恶报。Unkindness often reacts on the unkind person.

恶人往往有恶报。Unkindness often reacts on the unkind person.

他的无情也许会摧残我的生命,可是永不能毁坏我的爱情。And his unkindness may defeat my life, But never taint my love.

仿佛你的声音在耳边响起,仿佛你在我身边的亲切。Your sound resounds as if nearby the ear, as if you in my side unkindness.

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男人知道他们任何不慈爱的行为都将被神所审判。Men knew that they were answerable to God who would judge them for any act of unkindness.

你自家骨肉的冷酷,使你在任何地方发现了友情都大为惊诧。The unkindness of your own relations has made you astonished to find friendship anywhere.

我宁愿在友善与同情中犯点小错误,也不愿在不近人情和严厉中创造奇迹。I would rather make mistakes in kindness and compassion than work miracles in unkindness and hardness.

高纳里尔的丈夫开始替自己解释起来,希望李尔不要以为他参加了这种不义的行为。Goneril's husband began to excuse himself for any share which Lear might suppose he had in the unkindness.

看到女儿受委屈的童妈妈,强势出手,让两个家庭之间的战争激烈打响。See the daughter is upset by unkindness child mom, strong skill, make the war between two families intense start shooting.

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对一个男人来说,艺伎只能作为半个妻子,我们是黑暗中的妻子,而且在遭遇许多不善之后还要学习去善待。To a man, geisha can only be a half wife, we are the wives not in lightful, and yet to learn of kindness after so mush unkindness.

如果你把那些美景在我面前再现,我的好伙伴,我就原谅你不近人情地斥责我。Retrace all those scenes to me, my good companion, and I will forgive the unkindness with which you were chiding me, the day we went to St.

晚上吃饭时,四个人都在抱怨北京人的不友善、生活费用居高不下和工作的乏味。Over dinner one night, the four of them complained about the unkindness of Beijingers, the high cost of living and the boredom of their jobs.

一天晚上吃过饭后,他们四个开始抱怨起了北京人的不厚道、高昂的生活成本还有他们工作的无聊。Over dinner one night, the four of them complained about the unkindness of Beijingers, the high cost of living and the boredom of their jobs.

专一的修习揭显了你根本的善心,因为它消解了你的不善和伤害。The practice of mindfulness unveils and reveals your essential Good Heart, because it dissolves and removes the unkindness or the harm in you.

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女大学生作为性开放受伤害受委屈最多的人群,她们的心理调节能力究竟怎样?。Female undergraduate is opened as the gender suffer harm to be upset by unkindness most crowd, their psychological adjustment ability after all how?

在1879,哈伯周刊埋怨“不管谁扔下香蕉皮在人行道做出对公众极为不友善的举动,是很应对摔断的手臂负责。”In 1879, Harper's Weekly groused that "whosoever throws banana skins on the sidewalk does a great unkindness to the public, and is quite likely to be responsible for a broken limb."