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下面的游客发出不和谐的嗡嗡声。The discordant hum of tourists below.

这个环带充满交流,但没有不协调的杂音。The ring was full of communication, but no discordant noise.

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但同时我们也感受到在校园中存在着一些不和谐的音符。But at the same time we feel the campus , there are some discordant notes.

记住,一颗自身不和谐的心灵很难与自然融合。Remember a discordant mind will have great difficulty merging with nature.

夜的漆黑与白日是和谐的,蒙雾的清晨与白日格格不入。The darkness of night is in harmony with day , the morning of mist is discordant.

毒素来自不谐和的科技,类似于当代科技和废料。The toxins came from discordant technology similar to present time technology and waste.

至少,从乌兰巴托传出的音乐,已经比在河内的时候要柔和多了。At the least, the mood music from Ulan Bator was very much less discordant than it was in Hanoi.

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杂乱地震反射结构――是不连续、紊乱的地震反射图形。Chaotic seismic reflection configuration-is a discontinuous, discordant seismic reflection patterns.

意愿将所有非共振或不协调的频率、存有和连线从你的能量场中奔涌而出。Intend to flush out of your immediate field all non-resonant or discordant frequencies, entities and cords.

难熬的日子是蜕去那些特别不和谐的致密振动的结果。The difficult days are the result of the sloughing off of a dense vibration that is tremendously discordant.

因此,从青春期后期开始,两性间瘦素水平就有了明显差异。Therefore, from late puberty and thereafter, there are strikingly discordant leptin levels between the sexes.

每个人都有不同的遗传,经常的,除了基因内的音乐,不同基因之间的音乐也是非常不调和的。Each has variant inheritances and often the music between the genetics is very discordant in addition to within.

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Zaller还说了很多有关和人们的内在倾向是一致或矛盾的讯息。Also Zaller talks a lot about messages that are congruent or discordant with people's underlying predispositions.

这个研究在4758对“不和谐伴侣”中进行,其中一位被感染另一位没有。The study was done in 4,758 "discordant couples, " those in which one partner was infected and the other was not.

在某些灵魂中,不协调的音调会变的越来越刺耳,并最终掩盖了主旋律的声音。In some souls, the discordant note becomes harsher and harsher and finally overwhelms or submerges the main melody.

在有些人的灵魂之中,不和谐的音符变得愈加刺耳,到最后完全盖过或是湮没了生命的主旋律。In some souls, the discordant note becomes harsher and harsher and finally overwhelms or submerges the main melody.

这是就我们所知,只有少数几个病例报告不和谐双卵双胞胎的这种不正常现象。This is, to our knowledge, one of the few documented cases reported on dizygotic twins discordant for this anomaly.

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就是这个原因,如此多选择提升道路的人们将搬到更少不谐和的地方。It is for this reason that so many whom shall choose the path of ascension will relocate to a place less discordant.

仿佛她对他心中那条刺耳的、不和谐的琴弦有着天赋的知识,她呼一口气就能使它发出声音。As if she had an innate knowledge of one jarring and discordant string within him, and her very breath could sound it.

耳朵听到悦耳动听的声音,它就只是如此而已,刺耳的噪声亦复如是。The ear hears an entrancing, melodious sound and it's nothing more than that. A grating, discordant sound is simply that.