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当我感觉妈妈走的远到听不到我们说话的时候,我看了看我妻子。I looked at my wife when Mom got out of earshot.

别忘了在老板能听到的情况下,抱怨下接种时的疼痛。Don't forget to complain that those inoculations hurt within earshot of Bob.

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“我不舒服,”在我们东道主听力范围外,我小声对他说。“I don’t feel so well, ” I whispered to him when our hosts were out of earshot.

把负面的建议留给自己和你的朋友,不要让大人听到。Keep negative opinions to yourself, or between you and your friends, and out of earshot of adults.

黑玫瑰奔了一阵,敌人喧叫声已丝毫不闻。Black Rose galloped away and, after a while, the enemy shouts were completely out of their earshot.

把体积调大而且投掷我们脸发红和取出玉黍蜀的听众听力所及之范围里面的广告。Turning the volume up and slinging the ads within earshot of our flushing and corn-popping audience.

不管她怎么着努力来填充她的日常生活,她总是看得到或者听得到邻家的改建工程。No matter how she tried to fill her days, she was always within sight or earshot of the work next door.

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托尼告诉麦洛,杰克的确换掉了那张钥匙卡,为了设置一个圈套,托尼故意让杰米听到了他和麦洛的这番对话。To set a trap Tony makes sure he is within earshot of Jamey when he tells Milo that Jack did swap the key card.

我们的回应?把体积调大而且投掷我们脸发红和取出玉黍蜀的听众听力所及之范围里面的广告。Our response?Turning the volume up and slinging the ads within earshot of our flushing and corn-popping audience.

为了增加娱乐氛围,我们恭顺地建议您在附近的小狗小猫都能听得到的地方播放这段视频。For added entertainment value, we humbly suggest watching this video within earshot of the nearest dog or house cat.

她的刀法快过电脑的刷新速度,她的名字令江湖玩家闻风丧胆。Her knife method faster than the refresh rate computer, and her name to river"s lake players within earshot lose heart."

径步走至星巴克庭院边界,避开那两人,凯伦告诉他自己的猜疑。She walked toward the hedges that bordered the Starbucks patio, out of earshot of the pair, and told him her suspicions.

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微笑,小声的告诉所有人,他现在穿著忍者龟的内裤,还有他跟他女友的妹妹有一腿。Smile and tell everyone within earshot that he wears Ninja Turtle underwear and has a thing for his girlfriend's sister.

他是一个退役的海军军事训练官,常在节目中出现给一旁的队员们“加油打气”。His father, a former Marine Drill Sergeant, is sometimes around to offer some "encouraging words" to whoever is in earshot.

这些人会坐在角落拿着个含有盐分的照相机然后对别人喃喃自语道,这都是O型圈惹的祸。It's that person sitting in the corner nursing a salty camera and mumbling about 'O' rings to anyone that comes within earshot.

她足迹踏遍地球上每个角落,会很随意地向你和所有听得到的人提及她的超精彩的旅行。She has been to every corner of the earth and will casually mention to you and everyone within earshot how well traveled she is.

什么阅历,身为特种兵之王的他,让恐惧分子和敌对权力闻风丧胆,威震世界?What experiences, as the king of the commando him, make the terrorists and hostilities within earshot discouraged, megatron world?

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世人对你不喜欢的事情不感兴味。将消极的想法留给本人或与冤家们保存,不要向大人们诉苦。The world is not interested in what you dislike. Keep negative opinions to yourself, or between you and your friends, and out of earshot of adults.

他们无数次让我脱开无处不在间谍的偷听,然后来告诉我有关他们的故事,并央求我回到美国后再告诉别人。Countless times they got me out of earshot of the ubiquitous spies and told me their stories and begged me to tell others when I returned to the US.

该地区还拥有在欧洲的夜莺密度最高的之一,春节期间一个很少出于对他们美丽的歌听不到。The area also has one of the highest densities in Europe of Nightingales, and during the Spring one is rarely out of earshot of their beautiful song.