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这是一个可耻的丑闻,对气候的损害将是灾难性的。It's a disgraceful scandal.

他那样对待他母亲太不像话了。It's disgraceful the way he treats his mother.

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艾伦,告诉他这种行为多不体面。Ellen, tell him how disgraceful this conduct is.

我们不应对这件可耻的事保持缄默。We should not pass over this disgraceful affair in silence.

这人既然进了我的家,你们就不要行这丑事。Since this man is my guest, don't do this disgraceful thing.

在胡伯看来,这种随意的态度,是对历史的严重不尊重。To Mr Hu, this kind of attitude is disgraceful to the history.

会吏长认为这样通信是不光彩的。The archdeacon thinks that such a correspondence is disgraceful.

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很多年轻的公务员都来晚了,真糟糕!It is disgraceful how late some of the young clerks are at arriving.

明心一丝不察,将带来蒙尘一世的黑暗。Love is not a trace of police, will bring the disgraceful life darkness.

在我们国家,用阿谀拍马赢得人家的欢心好感被认为是可耻的。In our country, it is considered disgraceful to buy favour with flattery.

这要取决于财政部门,而他们的行为是“可耻的”。It is up to the fiscal authorities, and their behavior has been disgraceful.

考试成绩出来的当晚,我对自己那很不光彩的分数思来想去。That night after the exam grades came out, I thought over my disgraceful grade.

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基于不道德的约定或违反公序良俗的契约无效。A contract founded on a disgraceful consideration or against good morals is null.

对于二十世纪文明来说,这是错误的,非基督教的、不光彩的。This is wrong, unchristian and disgraceful to the twentieth century civilization.

他可耻的广播节目以及完全的疯狂表现出来。His disgraceful radio programmes and the full blooming of his loopiness lie ahead.

当年的满清政府也不会签这麽一个无比耻辱的协议!!!Even the most disgraceful Manchurians may not sign a treaty that is so humiliating! ! !

不,我宁可马上离开凯林奇大厦,也不愿意按这样的屈辱条件继续呆在里面。No, he would sooner quit Kellynch Hall at once, than remain in it on such disgraceful terms.

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也不能为着自己的面子饿着兄弟们,要是日本人太不像话到时候再关也来得及。Cant hungry brothers for his face, its disgraceful and then shut if the Japanese also in time.

卡梅伦首相称这些手机侵入报告是“令人憎恶、可耻和卑鄙的。”Prime Minister Cameron called the hacking reports, "disgusting," "disgraceful" and despicable.

“英国的荣耀在今晚被污损了,”一位政府发言人说。It is disgraceful this night of British pride has been sullied, " said a government spokesman."