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这些生物技术为微藻类的利用开辟了广阔的前景。These biotechnique opened up broad prospects for exploit of microalgae.

软骨藻酸是由一些微藻产生的强毒素。Domoic acid is a powerful neurotoxin produced by one kind of microalgae.

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微藻具有富集和降解有机污染物的能力。Microalgae has the ability to degrade and accumulate organic pollutants.

研究了两种微藻液消光系数的波长分布特征。The extinction spectra of two species of microalgae suspension were inspected.

有关利用微藻所含油脂生产生质柴油之研究,将留给后续研究人员做探讨。The conversion of microalgae lipid into biodiesel will be left for future investigations.

利用这一特性可以监测单细胞藻的同步生长。This phenomenon could be used to monitor the synchronous growth of single-cell microalgae.

目的研究和发现极端环境下南极冰藻中谷胱甘肽含量及其相关酶活性。Objective To study on glutathione and glutathione-related enzymes of Antarctic ice microalgae.

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管状光生物反应器的设计和规模化均服务于微藻的户外养殖。Design and scale up of tubular photobioreactors are discussed for outdoor culture of microalgae.

两种微藻脂肪酸组成显示出明显的种间差异。The two species of marine microalgae showed significant differences in fat-ty acids composition.

大量研究表明,微藻油脂含量和干物质产量受环境条件的调控。Lipids content and the dry matter yield of microalgae could be modified by environmental conditions.

合成毒素是赤潮藻类的一个常见特征,已知能够产牛毒素的微藻有70多种。The production of toxin is a feature in red tide. More than 70 species of microalgae produce toxins.

目的研究空间飞行及辐射对微藻光合系统的影响。Objective To study the effect of spaceflight and radiation on the photosynthetic system of microalgae.

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本文对不同盐度下敌敌畏对海水小球藻的毒性效应进行了研究。As a environmental factor, the salinities affect the toxicity of the Dichlorvos to the microalgae hardly.

二种微藻蛋白质提取物抗真菌活性比抗细菌活性大。Antifungal activities were stronger than antibacterial activity of protein extracts from the two microalgae.

南极冰藻就是指生活在南极海冰、海冰边缘或海水中的一大类微藻。Antarctic ice microalgae refers to micro algae which lives in the Antarctic sea ice, the sea ice edge or water.

转基因微藻作为生物反应器生产生物活性物质已成为基因工程研究的热点之一。Transgenic microalgae as a new bioreactor are getting more attractive in producing biologically active proteins.

超临界流体技术在微藻液化和丙烯环氧化反应的应用正是体现绿色化学的思想。The SCF technology actualises the idea of green chemistry in liquefaction of microalgae and epoxidation of propylene reaction.

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两种农药对两种微藻产生毒物刺激效应的作用浓度存在差异。There were significant concentrations and timing differences in the hormesis induced by organophosphorus pesticides in microalgae.

于1994—1995年,运用急性毒性实验及生化方法对扁藻和杜氏藻的对硫磷毒性效应进行研究。During 1994-1995, the toxic effect of parathion on two marine microalgae was analyzed with acute toxicity and biochemistry methods.

海洋微藻是海洋生态系统中最主要的初级生产者,也是海洋生物资源的重要来源。Marine microalgae are most primary producer in marine ecosystem, and also are most important sources of marine bioactive materials.