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否则你就会陷入合理化的解释中。But otherwise you are caught in a rationalisation.

合理化意味着提高效益和降低成本。Rationalisation means increase of profit and reduction of cost.

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理性化和政治权力的过度之间的关系显而易见。The relationship between rationalisation and the excesses of political power is evident.

注意城乡统筹和合理调整居民点布局。Attention to the layout of urban and rural settlements in the co-ordination and rationalisation.

另一个威胁则是,如何在面临政治反对的情况下进行欧洲业务的重整。Another challenge will be to carry out rationalisation in Europe in the face of political opposition.

他说,把这个合理性应用到非IT例子包括美国的反恐战争是可能的。He said it was possible to apply this rationalisation to non-IT examples including the US's War on Terror.

其次,记着对于积极和消极时间的情绪冲击力,理智往往会让它们减弱。Second, remember that rationalisation tends to reduce the emotional impact of both positive and negative events.

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欧德通风还提供多种服务,包括保养,维修,检查,升级,合理化改造及设备的拓展。The maintenance, upkeep, checking, repair, upgrading, rationalisation and extension of plants complete the available services.

一九九七年,当局用了许多时间详细规划该项工程计划,包括重新分配葵涌及青衣的泊位经营权。Much of 1997 was spent in the detailed planning of the project, which includes overall rationalisation of the berths at Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi.

因而它具有丰厚的社会文化内蕴,即蕴涵并展示着个人与社会、现实与理想、非理性与理性等诸多关系对子。It has huge social and cultural landscapes displaying many relationship pairs between man and society, reality and ideal, non- rationalisation and rationalisation.

中国的钢铁企业目前可能是被保护而且效率低下的,但是迟早会发生的重整加上技术水平的提高会催生有能力生产便宜产品的大型钢铁企业。Its steelmakers may be protected and inefficient now, but sooner or later rationalisation and greater technical skill will produce big firms that can make cheap steel.

灵活性只有在加速运营性业务需求,或者通过支持业务的合理性来降低操作系统成本时才会被认为是业务价值。Flexibility is only recognised as business value when it accelerates operationalising business requirements or reduces the cost of operational systems by allowing their rationalisation.