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源于地之心的惊天动地之火Earthshaking fire from the center of the Earth

像这样翻天覆地的变化一定会产生深远的影响。Such an earthshaking change must have far-reaching effects.

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一场惊天动地的人妖之恋,道尽了三界的儿女情长。An earthshaking genie narcissists, word of all three ErNvQingChang.

28年来,中国的面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化。Over the past 28 years earthshaking changes have taken place in China.

如今,数码技术正驱动着一场更为天翻地覆的革命。Today digital technology is driving a revolution that’s even more earthshaking.

二十世纪,中国发生了翻天覆地的伟大历史变革。Great and earthshaking historical changes have taken place in China in the 20th century.

小时候,我以为你很神奇,说上一句话也惊天动地。In childhood, I thought you were very mysterious, said a few words were also earthshaking.

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作为大学生,雇主通常并不指望您在暑期工作期间会有什么惊天动地的成就。As college students, employer usually didn't expect you in summer job during what earthshaking achievement.

正是如此建构,才使甲骨文这一书体富于艺术之美,具有无比的震撼力。It is just these structures that make oracle beautiful artistically with a incomparable earthshaking force.

全球化的内涵、特征与表现说明了它对中国乃至世界具有极其重大的影响。Its intension, characteristic and display account its earthshaking influence on China or even on the world.

而作为大学生,雇主通常并不指望您在暑期工作期间会有什么惊天动地的成就。But as college students, employer usually didn't expect you in summer job during what earthshaking achievement.

装饰时一阵惊天动地的脚步声,它把城堡里最美的衣裳带来你的世界。When decorating a while earthshaking footsteps, it is the castle of the most beautiful clothes to bring your world.

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每次阅读中国上下五千年历史,我都会被一位位叱咤风云的英雄所感染和折服。Every time when I read the five thousand years old chinese history, I am moved and convinced by those earthshaking heroes.

我的母亲,斯蒂夫·费斯切曼从不给我提什么令人震惊的建议,她总会在我感到迷失了方向的时候提醒我要稳住、信守承诺。My mentor, Steve Fischman, doesn't offer earthshaking advice, but reminds me to stay steady and committed when I feel I've began to stray.

我的母亲,斯蒂夫·费斯切曼从不给我提什么令人震惊的建议,她总会在我感到迷失了方向的时候提醒我要稳住、信守承诺。My mentor, Steve Fischman, doesn’t offer earthshaking advice, but reminds me to stay steady and committed when I feel I’ve began to stray.

尽管英镑的坚挺和亚洲市场的疲软是诱发不景气的主要原因,斯托克城的失业者还是归咎于社会的剧变。Although a strong pound and weak markets in Asia play a role in the downsizing , the layoffs in Stoke have their roots in earthshaking social shifts.

“十五”以来,我国航运市场发生了翻天覆地的变化,船舶大型化、码头深水化,港口发展呈现蓬勃发展态势。Since the 21st century, China's shipping market has undergone earthshaking changes, yet the development of harbor entrance present a robust situation.

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一旦发生成品油泄漏事故,将对管道公司乃至于全社会产生震撼性的损失和影响。Furthermore, if the product pipeline has leaked, will bring about some earthshaking losing and influence to the company of pipeline and the society etc.

虽然和你默默地度过了很长的一段路,斗转星移,四季交替,黑夜与白天,都令我颠倒了时间上的次序。Although you spent in silence a long way, passage of time , earthshaking alternating seasons, night and day, have given me the time to reverse the order.

教育是充满爱的事业,这种爱没有惊天动地的气魄,没有令人瞩目的壮举,只有润物无声的永恒。Education is a cause of love, which has neither earthshaking verve nor magnificent feats, but exerts a lifelong silent transforming influence on students' character.