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费用高得使人不敢问津。The expense is prohibitive.

索道运行过程中,请勿吸烟。Smoking is prohibitive in process of the cableway.

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到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive.

许多低收入家庭对教育经费不敢问津。The cost of education becomes prohibitive to lower-income families.

遗憾我们不能接受你方报盘,你方价格过高,不敢问津。Cf. Unfortunately, we cannot accept your offer. Your prices are prohibitive.

第二个就是发展和应用新技术的令人咂舌的开支。The second was the prohibitive cost of developing and deploying the technologies.

垃圾正在耗尽我们的空间,那代价很快会让我们不堪承受。We are running out of space in landfill, and the cost is fast becoming prohibitive.

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长期以来,中国政府在烟草税收政策上一直奉行“寓禁于征”的重税政策。Chinese government has adopting prohibitive tax on tobacco industry for a long time.

他就此事打了数次电话给我,而且发现运一匹成年母马到美国的成本高得令人不敢问津。He'd made some calls and found the cost of shipping a mare to the States was prohibitive.

每天三千万的花费用以维持我们的军队在锡亚琴地区开销是可以负担得起的。The over Rs 3 crore it takes per day to sustain our troops in Siachen is not prohibitive.

但是将如此大量的装备发射升空所需的巨额花费让整个计划显得很不经济。But the prohibitive cost oflifting thousands of tons of equipment into space makes it uneconomical.

不可仓促做出决定。他们善于冒各种风险,然后装做不知,再图谋补救办法。Any hurried conclusion prohibitive as they will venture possible mending measures for pretend ignorance.

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目前复杂环境的EMC分析,计算量过大,耗时太长,使分析与优化遇到实质性的困难。Prohibitive computation resources and too much time are needed for EMC analysis of complicated EM environment.

受时间和成本的限制,这显然是不切合实际的。This approach is certainly not practical when schedule and cost constraints are prohibitive of such an effort.

一下子更换整个衣柜的毛衣、西裤、西装和大衣可能花费过高。It can become cost prohibitive to replace an entire wardrobe of sweaters, slacks, suits, and coats all at once.

同时,这将禁止用反射来实现,但它在该方法中是完全可接受的。Again, this would be prohibitive to implement with reflection but it is perfectly acceptable through this method.

计算许多复制的基因组中维持一个正常细菌基因组所需要的能量和成本困难重重。Calculate the energy needed to support a normal bacterial genome in thousands of copies and the cost is prohibitive.

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如今,市面上的一些图书价格是越来越高,令普通百姓望而却步。Today, a number of books available in the market price is getting higher and higher, so that ordinary people prohibitive.

同时,还可以提高油价使得开私家车的代价更高。At the same time, we should raise the price of gasoline to a prohibitive level so as to make car-driving expensive enough.

由于它包含了许多应用软件和潜在的上百台的服务器,这项操作的花费可能看起来被BPI所禁止。The cost of doing this might seem prohibitive for a BPI that includes many applications and potentially hundreds of servers.