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头盖骨烛台?Cranium candelabra?

头盖骨在什么地方?Where is your cranium?

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头骨的上线和口必须是平行的。Toplines of cranium and the muzzle must be parallel.

一个材质非凡的人,头盖骨被开了,并注满了铀A brainiac, with a cranium packed, full of more uranium

你头顶部保护你的大脑的骨头叫颅骨。The top of your head that protects your brain is called the cranium.

知心郎君洞房外,百媚千娇红头盖。Bosom husband bridal chamber, hundred flatters thousand jiao red cranium.

目的探讨颅顶部自体骨游离移植被吸收的内在机制。Objective To study absorbed mechanism of free bone auto-graft in cranium.

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粗暴乐趣的新版本,捣毁击中了棋,头盖骨?The newest version of the outrageously fun, smash-hit board game, Cranium?

“他那么用力地抓着我的头,”她边说边把手放在头盖骨附近示意。“He held my head so hard here, ” shesaid, putting her hands to her cranium.

它的下颚直接铰接在头骨上,还有多骨的,有肉的、有接缝的鳍。It has a jaw that is hinged at the cranium and has bony, meaty, jointed fins.

提升者们正增大身体尺寸并扩张颅腔。Those who are ascending are massing out in body size and the cranium is expanding.

目的为绵羊颅骨炮制工艺的优化提供依据。Objective To provide the basis for the process optimization of Cranium Ovis Arietis.

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筛孔内结构与颅内脑膜结构关系密切。The structures within ethmoidal foramina was closely related to the mater in cranium.

头部相对较长,后枕骨略微圆拱,头盖骨宽而丰满。The skull should be fairly long, slightly domed at occiput, with cranium broad and full.

至于文字游戏,试着玩一下像Scrabble、Boggle和Cranium这样的游戏来扩充你的单词量。For word games, try such games as Scrabble, Boggle, and Cranium to extend your vocabulary.

但是当某一地区的人口由稀疏和稠密转化的时候,头盖骨的尺寸会减小。But when a certain area's population changed from sparse to dense, our cranium size decreased.

以蛛网膜炎多见,颅后窝的引起的症状显著。Much see with the spider's web , the causable symptom of the cranium empress nest shows the remark.

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脑瘫所产生的“致命般的极度痉挛”从他的头颅贯穿到脊椎,最后达至脚跟。“Dreadful deadly spasms” of cerebral palsy shot their way from his cranium to his spine and into his feet.

目的观察胎儿面颅骨初级骨化中心出现的时间顺序。Objective To observe the occurring time of the primary ossification center of the fetus' cranium viscerale.

而博斯科普头骨的脸只占整个颅骨大小的五分之一,接近于儿童的水平。Boskop has a face that takes up only about one-fifth of his cranium size, closer to the proportions of a child.