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我上了一个卑鄙商人的当。I was taken in by a snide merchant.

我上了一个卑鄙商人的当。I was set down by a snide businessman.

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他也必须容忍无畏武侠的论断。He had to endure snide remarks by the Furious Five.

他对获胜者的尖刻评论只不过是狐狸的酸葡萄而已。His snide remarks about the winners are nothing but sour grapes.

我可以告诉你一种方法,去对这N个元素进行排序。I can tell you how to sort N elements by saying in kind of a snide way.

你别老说风凉话,这次说什么我都应该转运了。Don't just make snide remarks! I should have a change of luck this time.

他对获得荣誉的人们所作的明讥暗讽不外是酸葡萄罢了。His snide remarks about people who make the honor roll are nothing but sour grapes.

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但是,当一个共同的朋友介绍他们认识时,她能想到却是一句刻薄话。When a mutual friend introduced them, however, all she could muster was a snide remark.

除此以外,他们也小心地等待着来自妈妈或爸爸的反对或含沙射影的评论。In addition, they kept their antennae up for objections or snide comments from Mom or Dad.

他时不时都就用略带嘲讽的语气对我的体重评头论足,说我有多么的蠢多么的笨。He constantly made little snide comments about my weight, how stupid I was and how clumsy I was.

此外,他还暗讽那些“听从用户意见的公司很愚蠢”。In addition, he is snide still those " comply with the company of user opinion is very foolish ".

以卑鄙的话回答意味着把自己降低到恶棍的水准,可能导致问题激化。Replying with a snide remark means stooping to the bully's level, and the problem could escalate.

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当他们所处的那一段历史被提起时,很多人都会立刻附上鄙夷的论断,或是故作聪明的批评。When their period in history is mentioned, many hasten to attach a snide disclaimer, a wised-up dismissal.

但是我还是觉得我得让他明白我对这些怀疑我个人能力的评论很敏感。However I feel I have to drive home to him how sensitive I am to snide comments about my personal abilities.

与此同时,尼克,这位前偶像组合98度的灵魂人物却在他的演唱会上卑鄙地对他的前妻大放厥词。Meanwhile, the former 98 Degrees front man has been making snide comments about ex-wife Jessica at his concerts.

相当有趣的是,尽管我的话十分率直,却没有招来他们恶意的评论或丝毫的嘲笑。And, interestingly enough, despite my straight talk, none of them made a snide comment or gave a hint of laughter.

说实话,我觉得出于偏见的恶毒评论总比伪君子的假意称赞好。To tell the truth, I think a snide comment made out of prejudice is better than faked praise given by a hypocrite.

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公司里同我交谈过的人看上去都有一些提心吊胆,也许担心我是又一位用心险恶的记者。Everyone I talked to in the company seemed a little gun-shy, perhaps fearing that I was yet another snide reporter.

但侵犯也可能不知不觉地悄悄潜入——言语上的冷嘲热讽,背地里对你的个性,价值的评论。But attacks can come in such subtle ways – snide verbal attacks and backhanded compliments on your character, your value, your worth.

说实话,我觉得出于偏见的刻度评论总比伪君子的假意称赞好。To tell the truth , I think the snide comment made out of prejudice is better than the faked praise compliment given by a hypocrites.