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马嘶鸣。Horses neigh.

马大声发出一声嘶鸣。The horse gave a loud neigh.

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马儿嘶叫,嘶嘶嘶嘶。The horse goes neigh, neigh neigh.

不过,它们嘶鸣起来也会令人恼火。Still their neigh can be very irritating.

他听到远处马嘶声。He heard the horse's neigh in the distance.

第一个人进了帐篷,马没有嘶叫。The first man entered the tent. The horse didn't neigh.

嘶鸣是马发出的最响亮、持续时间最长的声音。The neigh is not a sound of fear. It is used when a horse is being separated from others.

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我长嘶了一声,然后惊喜地听到了金儿的应答,还有男人的声音。I neighed loudly, and was very happy to hear an answering neigh from Ginger, and men's voices.

对于长期的经济困难与国际孤立,朝鲜早已习以为常。For a long time, Neigh Korea has been accustomed to economic difficulty and international isolation.

抢夺我产业的阿,你们因欢喜快乐,且像踹谷撒欢的母牛犊,又像发嘶声的壮马。Because you rejoice and are glad, you who pillage my inheritance, because you frolic like a heifer threshing grain and neigh like stallions.

SELF下要求各节点每经过一个规定的时间间隔,就更新一次节点的身份密钥和节点间的邻居密钥,并将原密钥作废。SELF required each node update the identity key of the node and the neigh neighbor key between nodes and invalidatethe old keys at given intervals.

最近几年,巴利克莱镇上再次传出了骏马嘶鸣和马贩的叫卖声。这不只是当地文化传统的重现,更是一场真正的贸易盛会。But in these years, the neigh suddenly appears in the ballyclare again, which is not just the reappearance of the local tradition but also a grant trading meeting.

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虽然现今人们购买马匹主要是为了娱乐之用,但那集市上的叫卖声和马鸣声却依稀是几个世纪前的回声。Nowadays, although the people just regard the pursuit of the horses as an entertainment, the cry of horsecopers and the neigh of the horses was the vague echo back from several centuries ago.