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我们正处于未知领域。We are in uncharted territory.

我们现在都在为之的水域。We are all in uncharted water here.

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我们正在情况不明的水域里游泳。We're swimming in uncharted waters.

威尔逊所说,“我们在未开化的领域。”O. Wilson says, "We're in uncharted territory.

这里有一个模型,我的秘境工作的一群。Here are a bunch of models from Uncharted that I worked on.

许多早期探险蒙在广阔而义无航线图的大西洋上迷失了。Many early explorers got lost in the immense, uncharted Atlantic.

很多结构性融资都位于诉讼的盲区。Much of structured finance is uncharted territory for litigation.

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这些都是未知水域,在和平时期完全没有先例。These are uncharted waters, quite without precedent in peacetime.

我相信这是目前最好的解决方案,当我们进入数字出版这一未知水域时。I think that is the best solution as we enter such uncharted waters.

许多人声称我们已进入未知领域,我本人也颇为赞同。I've heard many people say, and I agree, that we are in uncharted territory.

未经标注的礁石的位置在进口灯标235度,距离2。5海里。Warning, uncharted rocks in position bearing 235'distance 2.5' off entrance light.

对谈判各方而言,这仍是未涉足的领域."This is still uncharted territory for the negotiators," said McElwee, the lawyer.

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然而,呼吸道疾病中微生物群系的研究仍是个相对未知的领域。But research on the microbiome in respiratory disease is relatively uncharted terrain.

从未违背过物理学定律,生命却已经延伸至未知的地域。Never once are the laws of physics violated, yet life emerges into uncharted territory.

流血绯红色的天空,它是这位学者目击了的唯一的未知的领土。With a sky that bleeds crimson, it is the only uncharted realm this scholar has witnessed.

在英国谁票多谁执政的选举体系中,联合政府还确实是个不常见的产物。Coalition government is largely uncharted territory in Britain’s first-past-the-post system.

我们已经进入了未知的领域,并被其它国家小心观察着。We have moved into uncharted territory and are going to be watched carefully by other countries.

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我们正处理完全未知的领域,人们即兴地来处理这种情况。"We are in totally uncharted waters, people are ad-libbing to deal with the situation," he said.

我们正处理完全未知的领域,人们即兴地来处理这种情况。"We are in totally uncharted waters, people are ad-libbing to deal with the situation, " he said.

因为你知道你在逆流而上,你在追随你内心的指南针。Because when you know you're treading uncharted waters, you're following the compass of your heart.