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抗热冲击,不含石棉。Thermal shock, non-asbestos.

热传导真空计。Thermal Conductivity Vacuum Gauge.

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卵黄抗体热稳定性检测。Detection of IgY thermal stability.

热能与动力工程。Thermal Energy and Power Engineering.

本手册所指的为量热式质量流量计。Here MFM means thermal Mass Flow Meter.

注塑,热橡胶外壳。Injection-molded, thermal rubber shell.

公园的温泉区使它与众不同。The park's thermal areas make it unique.

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温泉瓦尔斯,瓦尔斯,瑞士1996年。Thermal Baths Vals, Vals, Switzerland 1996

热惰性小,升温迅速。Thermal inertia of small, rapidly warming.

多数热泉也含有矿物质。Most thermal springs also contain minerals.

必有一个热噪声的门限值。There must be a threshold of thermal noise.

柔软的丝绒亲贴皮肤。Soft velour thermal fabric nuzzles the skin.

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柔软的丝绒织物亲贴皮肤。Soft velour thermal fabric nuzzles the skin.

热波图像的配准和拼接。Thermal wave image registration and mosaicing.

为什么要使用导热油作为传热介质?Why Using Thermal Oil as Heat Transfer Medium?

良好的加热器和负载之间的热传递。Good thermal transfer between heaters and load.

但是现象是高压热冲击。But the phenomenon is pressurised thermal shock.

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浅层常温水对深层热水亦有补给。Shallow cold water recharges deep thermal water.

有些精密仪器用了热补偿器。Some precision gages used a thermal compensator.

干热低压槽犹如抱窝的母鸡赖着不走。A hot, dry thermal sat there like a brooding hen.