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1885年,一位业余天文学爱好者最早观察到夜光云。Noctilucent clouds were first observed in 1885 by an amateur astronomer.

以下可以对比自然形成的夜光云看起来来是怎样的Here's what a naturally-occuring noctilucent cloud looks like, for comparison

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这种夜光云出现在夏季离地球表面80公里高的大气中。Noctilucent clouds appear about 80 kilometres above the Earth in each hemisphere's summer.

稀土夜光纤维是一种具有特殊功能的新型材料。Rare earth noctilucent fibers are a kind of new materials, provided with special function.

夜光云是已知最高的云层,一般认为它是极地中间层云的一部分。Noctilucent clouds are the highest clouds known and thought to be part of polar mesospheric clouds.

介绍了夜光粉和夜光釉的制作方法及其应用。The preparation technique and application of noctilucent powder and noctilucent glaze were introduced in this paper.

尽管我们认为夜光云由裹着冰的小微粒组成,但仍有许多未知有待研究。Although noctilucent clouds are thought to be composed of small ice-coated particles, much remains unknown about them.

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最近有线索表明,至少部分夜光云是由航天飞机上排出的水蒸气结冰所导致的。Recent evidence indicates that at least some noctilucent clouds result from freezing water exhaust from Space Shuttles.

利用拉塞尔NASA项目获得的数据绘制的夜光云效果图。Captured by flickr user, breff 3. A rendering of the noctilucent clouds created from data obtained by Russel’s NASA project, AIM.

高层大气中时隐时现的发光的云团可能跟太阳的自转有关。THE comings and goings of noctilucent or "night shining" clouds in the extreme upper atmosphere may be linked to the sun's rotation.

最近在各种纬度进行的夜光云观察,提供了了解天上发生着什么的特别动力。The recent observations of noctilucent clouds at all kinds of latitudes provide an extra impetus to understand what is going on up there.

上图所示的就是上周在德国波茨坦市附近的田野上方,一大片网状的夜光云投射出一层怪异的白色辉光。Pictured above last week, a network of noctilucent clouds cast an eerie white glow after dusk, beyond a local field near Potsdam, Germany.

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但由于此时的阳光仍然能照亮高空的云彩,在云层足够高的特殊情况下,我们就能在夜晚看到“夜光云”。Under usual circumstances, a pretty sunset might be visible, but unusual noctilucent clouds float so high up they can be seen well after dark.

夜光云是在夏季极地中圈顶之上形成的更广泛更持久的层的参差不齐的延伸。Noctilucent clouds are ragged extensions of a more widespread and more permanent layer which forms over the summer polar area at the mesopause.

要获得夜光云,你需要的气温要比我们在那里看到的平均温度冷约20度绝对温度。“To get the noctilucent clouds you need temperatures that are about 20 degrees Kelvin colder than what we see on average up there,” Wickwar said.

关于夜光云的多数发现都来自于过去几年,它们如何形成、如何发展,还有待积极探究。Much about noctilucent clouds has been discovered only over the past few years, while how they form and evolve remains a topic of active research.

要获得夜光云,你需要的气温要比我们在那里看到的平均温度冷约20度绝对温度。“To get the noctilucent clouds you need temperatures that are about 20 degrees Kelvin colder than what we see on average up there, ” Wickwar said.

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夜光云是温带中纬度地区天空出现的新现象,以前很少见。Noctilucent clouds are a fundamentally new phenomenon in the temperate mid-latitude sky, and it’s not clear why they’ve migrated down from the poles.

下图拍摄于本月上旬,图中是夜幕降临后,网状的夜光云给加拿大阿尔伯达省埃德蒙顿的夜空织出的奇异景色。Pictured above earlier this month, a network of noctilucent clouds cast an eerie white glow after dusk, above the the city of Edmonton, in Alberta, Canada.

简述了稀土夜光纤维的发光原理及其功能特性,分析了该纤维的服用性能及应用领域。In this paper, the illuminant principle and functional characters of rare earth noctilucent fibers were summarized, and then analyze its wearability and application area.